Mountain Man
Senior Member
The public realm improvements in this city are pretty good lately!
Looks great.New LCD screens and moss wall at Sunlife: View attachment 297826View attachment 297828View attachment 297827
Awesome.The light sculpture at Flyover Park is being installed at this moment...
View attachment 297650View attachment 297651View attachment 297652
Really happy to see another RNDSQR building in the works for Marda Loop! This will a massive building! Frontage along 33rd Ave will be 300+ ft.If this is another RNDSQR project then Mardaloop is one lucky neighborhood! Between RNDSQR and Sarina this neighborhood is transforming virtually overnight.
I just hope that when co-op redevelops the land they bought that they don't ruin it. The site they own in the most prominent corner of 33rd and could really make or break the of Mardaloop. Hopefully they can match the quality we've mostly seen so far in the neighborhood
Also, I completely agree with you re: the Co-Op corner. That’s the most important corner/block in the neighbourhood.
Yeah, I think a few heads will explode when redevelopment of the plaza begins. Honestly I hope it forces people to reconsider driving and they walk more.hopefully the entire block is underground parking. marda loop is going to need it.
The light sculpture at Flyover Park is being installed at this moment...
View attachment 297650View attachment 297651View attachment 297652
That artwork on 1st was my favorite, and still one of my favorites even without the LEDS. I agree, it would be so great to see the LEDs working again.Yeah it's veery cool. I believe the individual orbs will transition between different colours, I may be wrong though.
I really wish they would get that wavy sphere on 1 Street SW operational again. It was my favourite piece in thee city when I first moved here.