Gave both the above posts 'likes', because this conversation is necessary, and reveals two serious legal issues, beside the drivers being morons:
As far as I can tell, and I'm due for a meeting with Metro Police Public Relations on this, one of the reasons the cops didn't or wouldn't come, is that the law is unclear on bike lanes, save for a few described in the HTA, but probably not tested in court yet. I don't have the HTA handy, but I can tell you that before making a turn, *the lane must be acquired* (gist) closest to the curb if turning right, or to the most outside lane if turning left. There is an exception to this if it is a multi-lane street allowing multi-lane turns to another multi-lane street. (These are marked by dashed lines to indicate the lane you must stay in while turning). *Many* minor intersections where bike-lanes cross, the solid white line demarcating the bike lane is not broken, and thus forcing drivers to make an illegal turn.
It gets worse, most if not all of the demarcated cycle infrastructure, especially the green boxes, is not accommodated for in the HTA. In other words, if you think you are safe in a green box, but traffic is trying to turn behind you, you are actually in violation of a clause of the HTA. Under the HTA, cycling infrastructure offers very little if any protection from what happened to you, save for perhaps the driver failing to attain the innermost lane (the cycle lane) before turning.
Thank God both of you are OK, but the bottom line is that you thought you were protected and safe, with the right of way, but in fact, had you been hurt, your grounds for suing for damages might not hold in court.
Think about that, and why the City and cycling advocates are so silent on it. I've brought it up a number of times in the Separated Lanes string, repeated my request for answers after posting pics and examination of the Adelaide and Bathurst new installation, and got banned for two weeks because of it.
I'll supply details if challenged.
Start asking questions! I already have, to two levels of police divisions, the last one a traffic one, and was pointed to their public relations man, it's a hot potato, but off the record, I was counseled to keep pushing for answers, their hands are tied.
More on this later when I get more definitive answers, or a definitive response that there are no answers until Queen's Park brings the HTA up-to-date. And where's the City on this? A civil action could be started for them giving the false sense of safety on bike lanes, but it would be best based on someone in an accident suing for actual damages, not altruism.
Btw: Some of the green painted parts of the cycling infrastructure are extremely slippery when wet. The grit in the paint has a very short life-span. And if they really had safety in mind, they'd use discreet purpose-mixed asphalt instead of paint, as is done in nations where they're serious about safety, but I digress.
How do police track these incidents if they don’t even investigate them?
Indeed! There are thousands of accidents not being reported. And often persons hit find out later that they were injured.
When phoning it in, state you are injured. The endorphins that kick in (adrenaline is one) mask the pain of injury unless critical. You can be injured enough for a joint never to heal properly again in a simple impact like that, even a sprain can be recurring there-after.
Edit to Add: This may seem trifling, and wearing a helmet is personal choice, I'm not going to get into that one, other than to say those 'looking out for your safety' are spinning a yarn, but something you must consider, as they will be involved in 98% of accidents, are your hands!
Get gloves, good ones, not the silly Velcro ones sold as fashion statements now-days. A Kevlar patch on your palm is a necessity, as is padding and preferably a crochet or heavy leather back, in case your hand is caught under you while sliding on asphalt or worse.
Very difficult to find real cycling gloves now-days. I send to the US for them, excellent gloves, less than $20 a pair:
Shipping to Canada included.
Only problem? They're white. They stay that colour for less time than running shoes do...if you're fastidious, order a couple of pair, one for real adventure, the other for weddings.