Procurement Timeline
A Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for the DBFOM contract is expected to be issued in Spring 2018, and the Request for Proposals (RFP) issued later that year. Financial close is anticipated in 2019, after which OnCo is expected to begin on-corridor infrastructure works and the procurement of rolling HYDRAIL OnCo is expected to assume current operations at a defined date after 2021 and to provide the upgraded RER service delivery to various corridors commencing in 2024.
The current procurement timeline is somewhat aggressive, noting significant works to be completed in the installation of overhead catenaries. These works will also involve significant third party and public interface, given the need to obtain environmental approvals, relocate utilities, upgrade bridges, remove trees and obtain property rights. Additionally, there are potentially significant scheduling risks associated with the installation of overhead catenary wires.
While Hydrail will eliminate the need for the infrastructure works associated with the installation of overhead catenary wires, additional scheduling risks are presented because hydrogen fuel powered train sets that meet RER requirements do not currently exist. Based on initial market consultations, it is however, anticipated that train sets could be designed and delivered within the planned timeline for RER implementation.