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Admiral Beez

Member Bio
Apr 29, 2007
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Does this mean tuition is free for those under $50K? If so, this seems a kick to those who've been savings RESPs for years.

Sent on behalf of the Ministry of Education:


If your child is currently in Grade 12, you should know that applications are now open for college and university programs. The last date for university applications is January 11th. College applications for the fall term should be submitted beforeFebruary 1st.

Your child may benefit from financial assistance for postsecondary education from the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP). As part of the most significant reform of student assistance in North America, the government of Ontario is removing the financial barriers to attending college or university.

If your family income is under $50,000, your child’s tuition is covered. Even if you earn more, the new OSAP is still there to help with generous grants that will make sending your child to college or university more affordable.

The Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development has launched a new online calculator to help students and their families find out quickly and easily whether they qualify for free tuition or other grants and supports from the province. We encourage you to find out more at

For many making more than $50K, they'll stop working (cheaper to stay home than pay tuition), especially if they have been investing for their children's tuition in unregistered funds instead of RESPs and can live off the avails of that themselves while their kids go to university with free tuition.
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For many making more than $50K, they'll stop working (cheaper to stay home than pay tuition), especially if they have been investing for their children's tuition in unregistered funds instead of RESPs and can live off the avails of that themselves while their kids go to university with free tuition.

It covers about $5k a year in tuition... hardly anything to stop working over, especially for a family earning less than $50k a year. These aren't the families that are capable of saving RESP's or saving in non-reg. accounts.
IMO, tuition should have nothing to do with the family. The system presumes the family is willing to assist the student.

Back in the early 1990s, my parents didn't give me a penny for tuition, but because my dad was a high income earner I could not get any tuition assistance. Meanwhile a classmate of mine had poor parents so got huge OSAP grants (we had those back then), but had another wealthier relative (an aunt or grandparent, I believe) provide thousands of dollars to cover tuition and housing.

Once you're over 18, you should be judged solely as an adult citizen, not by familial resources.
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If you ask me only college tuition should be government subsidized given how universities are pseudo-intellectual money-grabs nowadays
If you ask me only college tuition should be government subsidized given how universities are pseudo-intellectual money-grabs nowadays

I know! Enough of those useless liberal arts degrees. How many philosophy majors working at Starbucks does the economy need? etc. etc.
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I know! Enough of those useless liberal arts degrees. How many philosophy majors working at Starbucks does the economy need? etc. etc.
I don't look down on people who have a desire to study philosophy, quite the contrary, we need people like that in our society. But the way post-secondary education is structured makes it more corporate than anything. The goal is to make your poor soul financially poorer so some deans and other high university officials can come home with $500k yearly salaries. I'm all for public funding and investing in the people but what I'm saying is that we're in need of a much bigger revolution than just subsidizing the way things are right now, because that's too easy but also very inefficient
We also don't need GIS technicians flipping burgers at McDonald's or greeting customers at Dollarama either.
I know! Enough of those useless liberal arts degrees. How many philosophy majors working at Starbucks does the economy need? etc. etc.
I just wish I could find recent grads who are literate. How do you finish a liberal arts degree and not know how to construct a proper sentence?
Mind you, I'm sure McDonalds and Dollarama both employ GIS technicians... Gotta start somewhere.
There's no doubt McDonald's and Dollarama employ GIS technicians. How else would customers find the nearest McDonald's or Dollarama online?

However, they don't hire that many and most end up flipping burgers or greeting customers.
International students at Canadian universities and collages pay a much higher tuition fee than citizens and full-time legal residents of Canada.
International students at Canadian universities and collages pay a much higher tuition fee than citizens and full-time legal residents of Canada.
Certainly, and rightfully so. The same restriction should apply to Canadian citizens who have not resided in Canada for years. I'm a UK-born Canuck, but I've haven't lived in Britain since the 1970s and have never worked there - and if I had tried to go to a British university I would have paid the international rate for tuition.
It covers about $5k a year in tuition... hardly anything to stop working over, especially for a family earning less than $50k a year. These aren't the families that are capable of saving RESP's or saving in non-reg. accounts.
Just curious where did you read that it covers $5K? In the past, I know that lower income families would have a large portion of their loan forgiven. But at the end of the day, it was still a loan for which the student was responsible for repaying a majority of it.
