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Correlation does not imply causation.

In fact, there have been claims that business is down across the city, far from the “effects” of the King Street Pilot. There’s been a steep drop in temperatures, unusual for this time of the year. As a reminder, today is the first day of Winter, yet we’ve already had several cold advisories in recent weeks, including the coldest day of the year. Last Christmas, I was out strolling with the family in a Fall jacket. This is why we need a longe period of evaluation.
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Discovered these signs up today on the barriers at Spadina.

I doubt they will have any effect but we shall see.
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It should be easy for leading F cars with their LED signs to put "EXPRESS/SET DOWN ONLY" to break a bunch and require soaking trailers to pick up waiting passengers. Instead TTC practice seems to be shrug and maybe toss everyone off the car as a short turn.
It should be easy for leading F cars with their LED signs to put "EXPRESS/SET DOWN ONLY" to break a bunch and require soaking trailers to pick up waiting passengers. Instead TTC practice seems to be shrug and maybe toss everyone off the car as a short turn.
Excellent point. Buses often do this when bunched without even changing the sign up front. Driver just states: "Catch the bus right behind me". Of course, the driver is isolated in his cab on the Flexities, but he can use the PA to announce that as well as post an alert on the destination board.

The obvious solution, however, is the City/TTC investing in a communications and signals based system that overrides intersection signal priority when needed, and spreads following streetcars back onto a graduated headway. This should happen irregardless of the Pilot being short-term or not. The King route will remain the third most important route for passengers no matter the outcome, and surely it deserves it?
What do people think of putting stanchions at some of the busier stops...obviously this will work better when there are all flexity's and they can line up with the doors...but it would remove some of the rush and crowding that happen at some of the busier stops, and make it a bit easier for the less aggressive members of society to get on....
The owner of Fred’s Not Here wrote an op-ed where he says:

“Barely a month in, Cressy has already decided he is in favour. I guess there is no point in letting the facts get in the way of a good story.”

This from the guy who said that the King Street Pilot was killing businesses the very next day after it was installed. One day!!
The owner of Fred’s Not Here wrote an op-ed where he says:

“Barely a month in, Cressy has already decided he is in favour. I guess there is no point in letting the facts get in the way of a good story.”

This from the guy who said that the King Street Pilot was killing businesses the very next day after it was installed. One day!!
This is perhaps the point where I diverge from the popular thinking in this string.

Like it or not, (and on principle, I don't) Luk makes a very compelling and rational argument:
Along with the other merchants of King St. and the Toronto Entertainment District we ask that Mayor Tory and Toronto council to consider a simple, reasonable and cost-effective alternative.

Put lights on King St. that restricts vehicle traffic during rush hours, but return King St. to its former vibrant self after 7 p.m., on weekends and statutory holidays. It’s smart, fair, reasonable and helps meet the goals of the King St. pilot project.
Here's the deal, since he will be received by many haters as being rational and a voice of reason: *Agree with him* get those incredibly badly needed programmable and progressive lights installed. *It has to happen to make ANY proposal work* instead of dismissing him, see how an alliance can be formed to get this thing on a more stable footing. This is Toronto, not a world class city, and transit is accomplished here by pulling teeth with our own money. Get the signal lights into the budget, and *come Springtime* the project can be re-examined as to patios and perusing persons, when the ingredients to bake a wonderful cake that will impress most everyone can happen.

Right now, the knee-jerk love-fest beside, (and make no mistake, this pilot must succeed) this is on very shaky ground indeed. The budget for this is a bad joke, the implementation makes Bruno's Amateur Hour look professional in comparison, and Torontonians are so incredibly gullibl....LOOK! Over there! Spadina Subway Extension! Aren't we great?...

Do you folks want this to work or not? There's powerful forces working against it. You better find allies and find them fast, and Luk might prove crucial. Bear in mind that many transit malls have *failed* for reasons very akin to what's being seen right now on King. Denial will only make it worse.

Council had best wake-up, and soon, and start funding this and the future the way it deserves to be. And it's not by subsidizing dying business...It's by designing the project to work, and doing it in stages that make sense. And golly gosh darn Gee...learning from others. That's the near impossible part for Toronto.
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The owner of Fred’s Not Here wrote an op-ed where he says:

“Barely a month in, Cressy has already decided he is in favour. I guess there is no point in letting the facts get in the way of a good story.”

This from the guy who said that the King Street Pilot was killing businesses the very next day after it was installed. One day!!

@MetroMan It actually sounds like you have some personal animosity towards Luk. You have posted repeatedly about him.

As Luk says, Cressy is wrong to conclude the pilot is working, barely one month in.

Likewise, Luk is wrong to conclude the pilot is not working.

In both cases, there isn't enough data to make either conclusion. Everyone needs to relax and let the pilot continue until we have a large enough sample size of the data.
The owner of Fred’s Not Here wrote an op-ed where he says:

“Barely a month in, Cressy has already decided he is in favour. I guess there is no point in letting the facts get in the way of a good story.”

This from the guy who said that the King Street Pilot was killing businesses the very next day after it was installed. One day!!

This guy's is a habitual complainer.

I don't know anyone that had a good experience at his restaurant.
This is perhaps the point where I diverge from the popular thinking in this string.

Like it or not, (and on principle, I don't) Luk makes a very compelling and rational argument:

Here's the deal, since he will be received by many haters as being rational and a voice of reason: *Agree with him* get those incredibly badly needed programmable and progressive lights installed. *It has to happen to make ANY proposal work* instead of dismissing him, see how an alliance can be to get this thing on a more stable footing. This is Toronto, not a world class city, and transit is accomplished here by pulling teeth with our money.

Right now, the knee-jerk love-fest beside, (and make no mistake, this pilot must succeed) this is on very shaky ground indeed. The budget for this is a bad joke, the implementation makes Bruno's Amateur Hour look professional in comparison, and Torontonians are so incredibly gullibl....LOOK! Over there! Spadina Subway! Aren't we great?...

Do you folks want this to work or not? There's powerful forces working against it. You better find allies and find them fast, and Luk might prove crucial.

He's not using reason. It's a knee jerk reaction. It's armchair quarterbacking. He's not waiting for facts.

I live on King and I see what happens when the King Street Pilot rules are waived for just a segment of cars: the taxi exemption after 10pm. All the benefits of the pilot vanish and it becomes once again a place where you're better off walking because you'll get to where you're going faster than the streetcar.

The Pilot is meant to determine what configuration will be built a year from now. I say "built" because the infrastructure will be permanent. Wider sidewalks, narrower streets. That's not something that works well if it has to change every day at 7pm.

This isn't Fred Luk's first rodeo. He's is known for decrying any changes and immediately insisting that his and all other businesses will be killed with said changes. Google his name and you'll find articles dating back years where he uses this same script. Yet, he's still there.

And again, how is this not hypocritical? He insists that the pilot is there to study "facts" over a year and blasts Cressy for making up his mind 2 months in. But Fred Luk was saying that the King Street Pilot was killing businesses the very next day after it was installed! He wants to change the pilot without waiting for actual data on business performance. He removed the planters outside his business to make room for (illegal) parking without letting the upcoming pedestrian improvements take hold. If there's one thing I hate most, it's hypocrisy.

There are plenty of reasonable businesses who are willing to work with the city to draw people to King but this guy is the wrong person to hitch the King businesses' wagon to.
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The owner of Fred’s Not Here wrote an op-ed where he says:

“Barely a month in, Cressy has already decided he is in favour. I guess there is no point in letting the facts get in the way of a good story.”

This from the guy who said that the King Street Pilot was killing businesses the very next day after it was installed. One day!!
Agreed. Whining after Day 1 is simply silly and reduces credibility. I suspect that there has been some reduction of customers but look forward to seeing the Moneris figures that should allow a proper comparison of King and other nearby streets both before and after and seeing how things go once the theatres are fully open again. I know restaurants are always "fragile" but they really can't rely on the possibility that one could park right at the door.
He's not using reason. It's a knee jerk reaction. It's armchair quarterbacking. He's not waiting for facts.
You're missing the point. A lot of what he states is unsubstantiated nonsense, which is exactly why I took effort to post what the *doubters* will seize on, because that part is *highly logical*...whether you or I or anyone agrees or disagrees.

My wish is to see a European or US style (I haven't seen the Calgary one) transit mall. In fact, as stated even by the City itself, the Bourke Street Mall is a prime comparator (a work *still* in progress, btw, they're doing a third upgrade to the traffic signals).

But this is far from being a slam dunk! Hype besides. IF shops along there start closing en masse, this is sunk, *no matter the cause of their closing!*.

Make no mistake, the Bloor Cycling Lanes would not have survived if there had been a major retail hit along it. By not listening to Luk, and not *using* his rational case for signals, this project is sunk no matter how you cut it. It was a failure up until now, mostly due to the lack of advanced world signal priority.

So work *with* Luk, get him onside, and use him and the others as allies instead of enemies. Do I have to quote Winston Churchill on this? "The enemy of my ene.. Look! Squirrel! On the Spadina Extension!...

Do not dismiss the weight of and power of forces who don't want this to work. Luk does want it to work. He brings a lot to the table, even if you don't like his cooking.

There's enough failed transit malls for the haters to point to, Buffalo's being the latest. We've got to get this right.
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I've never understood how car access is responsible for custom flow.

I drive daily for work and don't have time to watch the shops along the route to see if anything catches my eye. I'm driving and my eyes are on the road.
Now, if I want to go somewhere and decide I want to drive to get there, I simply do so and park as close as possible. After all, I wanted to go there so I'll get myself there within whatever parameters are present. Why do I need to be able to park in front of the place? I don't.

Perhaps some restaurants aren't worth patronising if one has to walk over from the car park around the corner.

Never understood. Still don't.
