Senior Member
Future mayor Tim knows what's up.
Cartmell highlights the province providing funding for 50 more police officers among all the things that have been done for safety - I'd like him to get a little more cranky with the province, too, since they seem to prefer dealing with him.
The province announced funding for 50 more officers last April before the election (both major cities) at the same time they announced $330 million for Calgary's arena project and demolition - and that money for both initiatives would be coming after approval from the Treasury board.
They said at the time (April 2023) they hoped to have that police funding in place within a month after the election.
Well the money was already approved for arena project but guess what - still no money for the 50 officers. In fact, the earliest It looks like ALL the new officers could be in place is mid 2024 - the earliest!
The province just announced a $5.5 billion surplus.
I hope Cartmell puts some heat on the province when he has his one on one's with Smith.