if do not associate regularly with criminals, if you do not wander the streets in the middle of the night while intoxicated
This is important. I was doing research on crime rates in different areas, and noticed that most violent crimes and armed robberies happen at ungodly hours, mostly on main roads. For example, check East York on
www.spotcrime.com. Almost all the robberies happen right on the Danforth, after midnight, and usually young people robbing other young people. So if you're not out alone in the middle of the night, chances are you're pretty OK.
Supposedly the new crime center of Toronto is Eglington West and surrounding area. The Star, I think, had an article on this a few weeks ago.
I used to see them near Wellesley and Jarvis downtown. My friend moved away from there specifically because of the prostitutes and their johns.
Haha, me too! As in, used to see hookers at Wellesley and Jarvis. I lived at Sherbourne and Wellesley for half a year a while ago, and I can't say I ever felt in danger, despite the weekly drug raids, and the St. Jamestown/downtown eastside location. A couple of rules of the street:
1) don't look scared
2) don't avoid eye contact, but don't seek it either
3) if you get accosted, turn and run like hell. It would help if you were in shape, because most bad guys probably don't prioritize cardio.
4) if you can't run, give 'em what they want.
5) if you're forced into a confrontation, recognize that your opponent has probably done this many times. Therefore your only option is to fight dirty.
Eyes, throat and groin are your main target.
6) if the other guy is drunk, he will feel less pain, but will also be slower. Refer to rule 3.