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Or it could also be my prediction that the Province will offer the additional funding to build the Scarborough Subway as per what Council approved on the condition that they support the revenue tools endorsed by Metrolinx, and that the additional funding come from there.

Like I said before, THAT would turn Ford into an absolute ideological pretzel. A vote for a subway means a vote for raising taxes. A vote against raising taxes means a vote against a subway. If this move is orchestrated by Murray, it would be one of the most savvy political plays of the decade.
Or ford could vote no and just get $1.4 billion in subways instead. Ford essentially voted against subways by voting against the big move anyways. (As well as a whole bunch of other stuff)

Besides, there is absolutely no reason the province needs council approval. The province was looking for municipal approval more as a form of input rather than a necessary portion of getting funding. Remember, the city is a creature of the province, and the province wants to do something, they need absolutely no approval from municipalities. He'll, the province could eeliminate all municipal governments tomorrow if it wanted to.
Heard a radio report that the announcement at 10 is that a new panel has been struck to look at revenue tools.

So....another ML move questioned/reviewed/changed? The cycle of planning and re-planning continues. Rinse, wash, repeat!
Heard a radio report that the announcement at 10 is that a new panel has been struck to look at revenue tools.

So....another ML move questioned/reviewed/changed? The cycle of planning and re-planning continues. Rinse, wash, repeat!

I don't see what your hate for Metrolinx is. They set out to recommend revenue tools to the province which they did. They were recommendations, the province does not have to take any of them. I'm guessing this panel will look at the Metrolinx recommendations plus any other ones the province may need to look at which may be feasible and help to actually get implemented.
Probably because the sun tries to hate on Metrolinx. It is one of McGuinties most important policies, and therefore it cannot be good. I reality, Metrolinx is one of the best things to come to Toronto transit in decades.
It will be yet another plan, and then there will be an election and then the new elected official will cancel it, and then there will be yet another plan, nothing will get built.
The Metrolinx recommendations were meant to start a debate that municipalities could engage with. Since they have refused to do so, the best/most appropriate alternatives will be selected by a panel of experts. The premier will then be in a much better position to try and implement them come winter.
I don't see what your hate for Metrolinx is. They set out to recommend revenue tools to the province which they did. They were recommendations, the province does not have to take any of them. I'm guessing this panel will look at the Metrolinx recommendations plus any other ones the province may need to look at which may be feasible and help to actually get implemented.

I do not have a hate for ML...far from it....I like(d) that we have(had?) a quasi independant, needs based, central planning agency for transit. What I have a hate on for is that they do the work, spend time and money, do the reports, make the plans and the government of the day says "thanks...but this is what we should do".

Why have them at all if they are not going to be listened to is the central theme in my ML posts.
Probably because the sun tries to hate on Metrolinx. It is one of McGuinties most important policies, and therefore it cannot be good. I reality, Metrolinx is one of the best things to come to Toronto transit in decades.

Are you suggesting by your answer that I am voicing a Toronto Sun opinion? That would be unique as I don't think I have opened the pages of a Toronto Sun in over 10 years.
Probably because the sun tries to hate on Metrolinx. It is one of McGuinties most important policies, and therefore it cannot be good. I reality, Metrolinx is one of the best things to come to Toronto transit in decades.

I only open up "The Sun" to look at the sunshine girl. I consider myself a fairly centre guy when it comes to politics.

But what exactly does Metrolinx do that the MTO couldn't do?

In the end Metrolinx could spend months, and even years planning a project and then Kathleen Wynne could walk in and tell them to scrap it and focus on something else, and they would have no choice but to do it.

The board at Metrolinx gets paid a lot of money (our tax dollars) just to discuss potential projects and make suggestions, but not actually build anything.

A panel to review another panel's work? Ridiculous! Toronto transit has become a circus show. More people getting paid on the public's dime and nothing getting built.

I see the issue here. More tax dollars are being spent on discussing transit then actually constructing transit.

I'm fed up!
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So, as if to prove that wondering about ML's role is not a Sun/Ford/TOareaFan is what the NDP tweeted a few minutes ago:

Does Metrolinx still exist? No longer in charge of transit planning or funding - maybe should be renamed "GO Transit."

It is a legitimate concern that we have gone through a lengthy process with ML and the plans and funding plans they have created are being shunned/questioned/ignored/amended by political interference.
So, as if to prove that wondering about ML's role is not a Sun/Ford/TOareaFan is what the NDP tweeted a few minutes ago:

Does Metrolinx still exist? No longer in charge of transit planning or funding - maybe should be renamed "GO Transit."

It is a legitimate concern that we have gone through a lengthy process with ML and the plans and funding plans they have created are being shunned/questioned/ignored/amended by political interference.

And similar to the gas plants. It is understandable if another party wants to ignore Metrolinx, but the party that created Metrolinx in the first place should at least support them.
I do not have a hate for ML...far from it....I like(d) that we have(had?) a quasi independant, needs based, central planning agency for transit. What I have a hate on for is that they do the work, spend time and money, do the reports, make the plans and the government of the day says "thanks...but this is what we should do".

Why have them at all if they are not going to be listened to is the central theme in my ML posts.
So what do you want Metrolinx to do? Force the issue? They were told to go up with some recommendations and they did. What else are they supposed to do? What the province does with those recommendations is up to them. It seems the province is looking to see which ones get implemented. I don't know what you are complaining about. Seems you are complaining just for the sake of complaining.
