If you truly believe that in some universe that in the absense of doing anything that its possible that ONTARIO ALONE could reach 190,000 virus deaths in single year then I don't know how you can debate against that kind of insanity. The US has a population of 328 million and currently has 414,000 virus deaths and you want people to believe that its in any way possible that Ontario with 22x less population can hit nearly half that number of covid deaths IN A SINGLE YEAR ON ITS OWN???!? Really?!
– The US has had lockdowns, too. (Something you've failed to notice) This was key in tamping down the outbreak in various cities like New York. We're dealing with compounding numbers here. Each intervention amongst the general population cuts the spread down. What you seem to be advocating is no interventions on anyone except those in LTC.
– The US hasn't even seen a majority of the population of Covid yet. Estimates as of late November were that only about 16% of the entire population of the US has had it.
– You fail to notice that our numbers are as low as they are precisely because we have had lockdowns in the general population.
MAYBE if this virus hit people of all ages very hard and the death rate was much higher then it might be in the realm of remote possibility, but to think that could happen when it affects predominately the oldest and sickest? Yeah that's just pure insanity to even put that out there and think that would ever happen.
It's been quite well proven that it "affects" more than just the oldest and sickest. It just happens to kill the oldest and sickest.
Didn't much of the world criticise Sweden for the bare minimum of rules that they implemented that didn't even include mask wearing or much social distancing and they're considered a 'disaster' at this point after their nation reached 11,000 covid deaths and yet somehow, someway Ontario ALONE is suppose to blow by that number doing nothing like the Swedes did? OK. Again pure insanity to even think that.
Sweden has about just over ¼ of the population of Canada, and about ⅔ of that in Ontario. If Ontario had Sweden's death rate would have us at over 18,000 dead.
As well, you may have noted they went into their own lockdown a mere two days ago.
You're really not making a compelling argument here.
All I'm doing is extrapolating the province's own data over the broader population. My numbers are based on known data, and not estimates or speculations on how many unreported cases. Please, do the math yourself on this, as you yourself have said:
Almost all the Ontario covid data I get straight from their website
Go ahead, do the math and see what numbers you come up with.
Lol nice stalking dude. Is that what you like to do with your time?
Actually, *yes* tracking down racists and getting them fired (and a few arrested even) is actually something I do in my spare time and have spent the last couple of years doing. Not as hardcore as some friends with FBI/State Police/RCMP connections mind you, but it's something I do quite well. I even enjoy it a bit from time to time. Don't worry though, you're certainly not the type I go looking for (I call your type "generic suburban racism").
That all said, due to its lack of consistent moderation and its active political forums, city-data.com is a site on which I've had an account for quite a while. Long before you stopped lurking here and started posting. And no, I'm not telling you what my username is there. But I'm pretty sure you've been booted from there anyway.
I am here, on UT, because I truly enjoy the topics. Having flagrant ignorance waved in my face here—a well moderated, intelligent forum where I can generally do things without seeing the terrible side of humanity—makes me especially annoyed.
And sure play that 'racism' card because someone has a different opinion from the usual narrative to explain/excuse everything away. OK.
Oh yes, geez. You're right. I just call
everyone a racist who has a different opinion.
No, you are actually a racist. Not a violent one perhaps. Not an organized one. But you are most definitely a racist. It's there in your words. This isn't "political correctness gone mad" or "cancel culture" or
whatever the ignorant choose to call personal responsibility and having to account for your words and actions these days. You are a racist, plain and simple. You said blanket negative things against an entire race of people, many many times. Don't pretend that kind of willful ignorance is a "difference of opinion".
Also good dodge on Trudeau not taking the virus seriously:
Why is acknowledging a group being attacked based entirely on race or nationality not taking it seriously. It's only "not serious" because you don't believe that it happened. Because you're a racist.
He took it very seriously, but left too much up to the provinces themselves, and treated it almost entirely as a track/trace situation, instead of assuming it was already spreading in the general population (unlike Japan).
How do we know that Japan got things under control when they tested far fewer people than Canada did? They tested 5.3 million people for the virus while Canada tested almost 17 million despite having over 3 times LESS population?
Absence of proof is not proof. I've already established that many known, working interventions were in place well much earlier than in Canada, and that they treated the virus as though it was already in the general population.
Tell me at what point did our governments and experts ALLOW people to get together in large crowds without criticising them for doing so and have them constantly remind us that we needed to remain vigilant despite the low numbers of hospital cases and infections over the summer? Did you forget about the big crowds at Wasaga beach and how the government cracked down?
When did Japan allow that, exactly? Please, I'd like to know the date Japan said "act like nothing's happening", "ignore all the things we've told you up until now". Again, during almost all of this pandemic, their per-capita numbers have been dramatically lower than ours.
Remember how Japan cracked down on Pachinko parlours? I mentioned a couple of posts ago. I guess you didn't notice.
The government cracked down, huh? Did you read these articles?
"“While I commend the province for its overall handling of the pandemic,
they have left our community, and other beachfront communities in the province, to essentially fend for themselves,”
"Effective Thursday morning, the program involves local employees dressed in lime green monitoring the tourist area and
promoting public health guidelines by handing out hand sanitizer, selling masks at cost, and reminding people to maintain a two-metre distance from each other."
Oh man, "
reminding people" is so harsh!
"The mayor said it would not be possible for bylaw officers to cover all of the beaches in Toronto and that
they will be patrolling the area “to educate” members of the public, adding that it is their purview to issue tickets if they feel it is necessary."
Education! The horror!
Few people have been arrested, let alone actually issued fines related to Covid. Only the most egregious violations have been in any way "cracked down" upon.
Also, why are you so annoyed with being told to "remain vigilant"?
And the list goes on. So please tell me at which point from the gradual reopening until the province went into stage 3 for a while that our governments from provincial to local and all our medical experts didn't go insane over every story about large gatherings and parties? I don't think the Japanese government and their experts had anywhere near that kind of panicked reaction everytime they saw people gather in large numbers and you want to tell me Japan and Canada were 'the same' in how it reacted to seeing their populations living their lives as normally as they can?
I previously established that the Japanese government
doesn't have the authority to do anything against individuals. They've been trying to pass the powers to do something through parliament however. Damnit though, still can't go to a concert in Japan.