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Trump takes his war on masks to new lows

Wed May 27, 2020

Trump and his White House are mocking presumptive Democratic 2020 rival Joe Biden for wearing a mask in public as conservative commentators brand the practice as elite liberal fear-mongering. Biden, in his first in-person interview since the stay-at-home orders, lashed back at Trump in reply, telling CNN's Dana Bash that the President's "macho" and "falsely masculine" behavior was "stoking deaths" in comments that will only deepen national estrangement on the issue.

Trump takes his war on masks to new lows

Wed May 27, 2020

Trump and his White House are mocking presumptive Democratic 2020 rival Joe Biden for wearing a mask in public as conservative commentators brand the practice as elite liberal fear-mongering. Biden, in his first in-person interview since the stay-at-home orders, lashed back at Trump in reply, telling CNN's Dana Bash that the President's "macho" and "falsely masculine" behavior was "stoking deaths" in comments that will only deepen national estrangement on the issue.

Trump to become besties with Jair "O avestruz" Bolsonaro.
No chance whatsoever. She’s too close to the cop who killed George Floyd.

“Minnesota senator Amy Klobuchar, a former prosecutor in the state, declined to prosecute many police officers cited for excessive force, including Mr. Chauvin. Her chances of becoming Mr. Biden’s running mate are now doomed.“
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Kamala is super toxic in the black community due to her past. Be a dumb choice.
Agreed. My guess is either Warren or Abrams. The former to appeal to Sanders supporters, the latter to avoid a repeat of HRC’s all white ticket and running the risk that POC stay home in November.

Interestingly, given the growing latin population and the de facto reconquista of the US southwest, there’s no realistic Latina option.
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This November is make or break. There will be no intermediate result. Either the Democrats take the House, the Senate and the Presidency. Or the Republicans do. And if the GOP wins the remake of the courts will be done. For a whole generation.
More likely the Dems take the Presidency, keep the House and lose the Senate. The Dems aren’t angels either, so in the post Trump era you still want the checks and balances of a multi party system.
IMO, Biden's pick can't be ANYONE was has a history in law enforcement, especially as a current or past state or federal prosecutor. So with that in mind, let's look over the field according to Wikipedia,

  • Abrams - POC and a favourite of many, but with no federal experience. A strong contender, IMO
  • Baldwin - Private practice lawyer, openly gay. Ticks some boxes, but an all white ticket must be avoided, IMO.
  • Bass - POC with in-depth political experience. A strong contender, IMO.
  • Bottoms - POC and active in moderating the current racial riots. A strong contender, IMO
  • Bustos - an incumbent in a battle ground state, better leave her in the House. All white ticket.
  • Clinton - Lock her up, redux. No thank you. She's out!
  • Demings - POC, but former chief of police of the Orlando PD. She's out!
  • Duckworth - Combat veteran, Asian background. But the VP under Biden needs to be ready to become the POTUS, and as a naturalized American citizen, she's can't be. She's out!
  • Escobar - POC and a Latina, in a safe Texas district. A strong contender, IMO
  • Fudge - POC, but a nasty involvement in a murder. She's out!
  • Gabbard - POC (sorta?), but a nutbar. She's out!
  • Garcia - POC and a Latina, but served as a judge, presumably locking up POCs. She's out!
  • Gillibrand - good experience in the House, but again all white ticket. She's out!
  • Harris - Prosecutor in CA. Dramatically increased convictions (which means pleas), leading to more POC in jail. She's out!
  • Hassan - an incumbent in a battle ground state, better leave her in the House. Again, all white ticket.
  • Kelly - Good experience, but not a contender. Again, all white ticket. She's out!
  • Klobuchar - Prosecutor MN. Declined to prosecute Floyd's killer cop. She's out!
  • Lee - POC, but voted against the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Terrorists (AUMF) act. She's out!
  • Lujan Grisham - POC with strong experience and a Latina. A strong contender, IMO
  • Napolitano - former Secretary of Homeland Security and all its nastiness. All white ticket risk. She's out!
  • Porter - Good experience, a contender. Again, all white ticket. She's out!
  • Pressley - POC, good experience. A strong contender, IMO
  • Raimondo - Good experience, but not a contender. Again, all white ticket. She's out!
  • Rice - POC, but forever damaged by the 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi. She's out!
  • Roybal-Allard - POC and a Latina (but white looking, to appeal to boomers). A strong contender, IMO
  • Schrier - Good experience, and a medical doctor may save Biden went he flatlines at his desk. Again, all white ticket.
  • Shalala - POC, with good health experience, useful in the post-pandemic USA. But an Arab. She's out!
  • Sinema - openly bisexual. That's too much for many Americans to accept, IMO. Again, all white ticket. She's out!
  • Solis - POC and a Latina. Good experience and support from Obama. A strong contender, IMO
  • Warren - the natural pick to bring Bernie's followers to the poles, IMO if we can overcome the risk of the all white ticket. A strong contender, IMO
  • Waters - POC, but j#sus wept, she's older than Biden. She's out!
  • Whitmer - former prosecutor. All white ticket. She's out!
  • Yates - stood up to Trump on the Muslim ban. Good policy, but too controversial. Also all white ticket. She's out!

My guess.... it's going to be either Warren, Abrams or one of the Latinas.
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Anti-Trump Republican group attacks Trump on race in new ad

Updated 10:58 PM ET, Sun May 31, 2020

(CNN) The anti-Trump Republican group, The Lincoln Project, is planning to air a new attack ad blasting President Donald Trump's record on race relations in the US.

The TV spot, backed by a $500,000 ad buy, will air in the key battleground states of Florida, Wisconsin and Michigan as well as in Washington, DC. The ad, entitled "Flag of Treason," targets the support Trump has received from white nationalist groups.

One of the group's previous ads delivered a blistering critique of Trump's record on the coronavirus pandemic, playing off of Ronald Reagan's iconic 1984 "Morning in America" reelection spot. The "Mourning in America" ad went viral, giving The Lincoln Project an infusion of funds.

The Lincoln Project is led by a high-profile team of anti-Trump Republicans, including John Weaver, Rick Wilson, Reed Galen and George Conway, the husband of White House counselor Kellyanne Conway. Former Mitt Romney strategist Stuart Stevens recently joined the group.

Their goal is for Trump to lose reelection -- last month the group ran an ad endorsing Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee -- but getting under Trump's skin is an added benefit for the group.

