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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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Palin was a state governor. Abrams hasn’t served in any state or federal role. I agree though, she’s not the prudent pick for Biden.I didn’t know that’s how it worked, interesting. So, had Obama mother or father been American the crazy birther theories wouldn’t work. If she succeeds Biden, she would be the only foreign born POTUS

Actually, the likelier Palin equivalent would be if Biden chose Tulsi Gabbard (and fortunately, there's no talk of that)
Palin was a state governor. Abrams hasn’t served in any state or federal role. I agree though, she’s not the prudent pick for Biden.I didn’t know that’s how it worked, interesting. So, had Obama's mother or father been American the crazy Kenyan birther theories wouldn’t work. If she succeeds Biden, she would be the only foreign born POTUS.
Obama's mother was American. Born and raised.
So, had Obama's mother or father been American the crazy Kenyan birther theories wouldn’t work.

Which is exactly what made Birtherism so dumb and shows just how racist it was. Obama was born of an American mother on US soil. Proving he was born outside the US wouldn't have been sufficient.

Two other Republican contenders were born outside the US. Ted Cruz (Canada). John McCain (Panama). Though Panama was under US control at the time.
Obama's mother was American. Born and raised.

You obviously forget that Obama is a secret Muslim. ?

Still not sure what that means and me and me mates are still laughing about this particular conspiracy theory. (Though, we laugh about all of them....I'm planning a canoe trip to the Antarctic ice block UN ship blockade next summer)
Trump backs off and reschedules on hosting a campaign rally that was to take place in Tulsa on Juneteenth (June 19th), the day commemorating the end of slavery in the United States.

Joe Biden is winning female voters by a historic margin

Sat June 13, 2020

Biden is leading among female registered voters by 59% to 35%, a 25-point margin when the numbers aren't rounded. That's a significant increase from his 19-point advantage earlier this year and the 14-point lead Hillary Clinton had in the final 2016 preelection polls of registered voters. Clinton had a 13-point edge with likely female voters.

Every poll I seen so far seems to be pointing towards a Biden victory. Some even putting as high as above 50%. I guess the margin will depends on how badly can Trump mess up the current protests.
Every poll I seen so far seems to be pointing towards a Biden victory. Some even putting as high as above 50%. I guess the margin will depends on how badly can Trump mess up the current protests.

It's a shame November is so far away. Trump has to be planning all kinds of devious things to try and get people to vote against Biden.
Every poll I seen so far seems to be pointing towards a Biden victory. Some even putting as high as above 50%. I guess the margin will depends on how badly can Trump mess up the current protests.
IMO, a Biden victory is almost guaranteed, if in this crazy US politic anything can be seen as such. It is the Senate the Dems need to win, whilst keeping the House. Mind you, for the first half of Obama’s first term the Dems had both chambers of Congress and still couldn’t get anything done.
As a Gen Z, I am very disappointed that Bernie didn't get the nomination. Biden is the better of the two, sure, but he is still not progressive enough in my opinion to push the much needed reforms. Unfortunately, I think Bernie's political career is slowly coming to an end. IMO, he would've made a good president, but it is time for someone for the new generation of politicians to take his place as a progressive. I feel that outside of politics, no matter where you stand on Bernie, you got to respect him for staying true to his beliefs his entire life, from the very beginning, he was a progressive before it was cool.
Anyways, let's hope that the next 4 years under Biden is pretty boring, so by 2024, when most Gen Zs can vote, we can get someone that can make the real change we need, happen.
As a Gen Z, I am very disappointed that Bernie didn't get the nomination. Biden is the better of the two, sure, but he is still not progressive enough in my opinion to push the much needed reforms. Unfortunately, I think Bernie's political career is slowly coming to an end. IMO, he would've made a good president, but it is time for someone for the new generation of politicians to take his place as a progressive. I feel that outside of politics, no matter where you stand on Bernie, you got to respect him for staying true to his beliefs his entire life, from the very beginning, he was a progressive before it was cool.
Anyways, let's hope that the next 4 years under Biden is pretty boring, so by 2024, when most Gen Zs can vote, we can get someone that can make the real change we need, happen.

The problem with Bernie is that he is too out there with his ideas. He is bordering on communist and that's not going to be acceptable in the US.

He's a great guy but he needed policies that were much more workable in the real world. Having his own soapbox is great but when it comes to running a country like US the you can't have the most obscure and wild policies. IMO he would have been better in Europe where his sort of policies are more widely accepted.

I am so far left that the NDP had me blacklisted for being a Communist. Even I was thinking Bernies ideas were extreme.

He has good ideas but Joe Biden is the better candidate. Joe is reasonable, diplomatic and overall a better statesman than Bernie.
As a Gen Z, I am very disappointed that Bernie didn't get the nomination. Biden is the better of the two, sure, but he is still not progressive enough in my opinion to push the much needed reforms.
Bernie would have been a disaster, likely solidifying the GOP Senate and quite possibly losing the House. Bernie had no traction with POC, though after 2016 it would have to been seen if they’d stay home a second time or hold their noses and vote.

My disappointment is that we somehow have to look to guys in their late 70s. Biden is clearly a stand-in, which is why the VP choice is so critically important. The odds of Biden lasting to four years is not great, and he definitely won’t run again.

As for your progressive wishes, I’d be more worried about 2024, when, with Trump championing the call the Deplorables roar back for revenge against four years of Dem changes, etc.
IMO, a Biden victory is almost guaranteed, if in this crazy US politic anything can be seen as such. It is the Senate the Dems need to win, whilst keeping the House. Mind you, for the first half of Obama’s first term the Dems had both chambers of Congress and still couldn’t get anything done.

By "popular" vote, yes.

The "electoral" vote is something else. Should be either ranked ballots or a runoff election, to get 50% + one.
By "popular" vote, yes.

The "electoral" vote is something else. Should be either ranked ballots or a runoff election, to get 50% + one.
The individual States would never have united under such a model. Each State gets to decide how it chooses the President. We're lucky some states didn't choose to pull a name out of a hat.

If there's one change that's possible to make in the next quarter century I'd suggest it's the abolishing of the winner takes all electoral college system, wherein if 45% of Californians, for example vote Republican, all the State's votes go to the Democrat, essentially canceling out the votes of the 45%. Same goes for places like Texas, where 45% of Texans might vote Democrat, but all the votes go to the Republican.

Change the winner takes all College system to a proportional representation model and then each and every state becomes a battleground state, which is better for every state since they can fight for pork and attention. That's why I see it happening eventually, as battleground states get all the love from Washington.
State polls show clear shift toward Democrats since protests began

Sun June 14, 2020

The Iowa Poll released Saturday night showed Democratic Senate candidate Theresa Greenfield with major momentum.

Forty-six percent of likely voters would vote for Greenfield if the election were held today compared to 43% who would vote for Republican Sen. Joni Ernst -- a within the margin of error advantage for the challenger.

While it's still early and things could change, this Iowa poll, conducted by Selzer & Co., is the latest state survey for either the race for the White House or Senate to show a clear shift toward Democrats since protests began nationwide following the death of George Floyd at the hands of a white police officer.

These state polls in aggregate suggest that the movement toward former Vice President Joe Biden seen in the national polls is funneling down to the state level.

Importantly, many of these polls have been conducted across states that are the heart of the 2020 battleground. States like Arizona and Wisconsin are included in this group. Polls have also been conducted in states that Biden would like to win, but aren't must wins for him, such as Ohio and Texas. Crucially, these are demographically distinct states in different regions of the country indicating that Trump is losing ground in a lot of different places.

