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Anti-Trump Republican group attacks Trump on race in new ad

Updated 10:58 PM ET, Sun May 31, 2020

(CNN) The anti-Trump Republican group, The Lincoln Project, is planning to air a new attack ad blasting President Donald Trump's record on race relations in the US.

The TV spot, backed by a $500,000 ad buy, will air in the key battleground states of Florida, Wisconsin and Michigan as well as in Washington, DC. The ad, entitled "Flag of Treason," targets the support Trump has received from white nationalist groups.

One of the group's previous ads delivered a blistering critique of Trump's record on the coronavirus pandemic, playing off of Ronald Reagan's iconic 1984 "Morning in America" reelection spot. The "Mourning in America" ad went viral, giving The Lincoln Project an infusion of funds.

The Lincoln Project is led by a high-profile team of anti-Trump Republicans, including John Weaver, Rick Wilson, Reed Galen and George Conway, the husband of White House counselor Kellyanne Conway. Former Mitt Romney strategist Stuart Stevens recently joined the group.

Their goal is for Trump to lose reelection -- last month the group ran an ad endorsing Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee -- but getting under Trump's skin is an added benefit for the group.

To Democrats, The Lincoln Project is a convenient ally. After all, the enemy of one's enemy is one's ally.
Joe Biden pulls Julián Castro into campaign, asks for help to 'tackle police reform'

As a Democratic presidential candidate, Castro put out a stand-alone police reform plan and cited names of police violence victims in his campaign speeches.

June 2, 2020

Colin Powell: Trump 'lies all the time'


Former Secretary of State Colin Powell called on voters not to reelect President Donald Trump this fall — saying it's time to make America better for all people, not just a few.

"I think he has not been an effective president," Powell told CNN's Jake Tapper in an interview Sunday morning. "He lies all the time. He began lying the day of inauguration, when we got into an argument about the size of the crowd that was there. People are writing books about this favorite thing of lying. And I don't think that's in our interest."

"Every American citizen has to sit down, think it through and make a decision on their own," he added on “State of the Union.“ "Don't listen to everybody out there. Don't read every newspaper. Think it through. Use your common sense and say, 'Is this good for my country?' before you say, 'This is good for me.'"

Powell, who was viewed as a potential Republican candidate earlier in his career, did not vote for Trump in 2016 and made it clear Sunday that he plans to vote for Democratic candidate Joe Biden in November.

He also said he's "very happy" with the criticism of Trump by top generals and diplomats over the last week.

"I'm very happy with what General [John] Allen said and all the other generals, admirals are saying and diplomats are saying. We have a Constitution and we have to follow that Constitution, and the president has drifted away from it."


Colin Powell: Trump 'lies all the time'
Colin Powell’s lie about WMDs in Iraq began a disastrous sequence of events for the Middle East, North Africa and much of the world. Without Powell’s WMD lie Iraq and Syria might still be stable, albeit totalitarian regimes. Powell’s lie brought us Isis, the failed Arab Spring and its instability in Libya, etc., and the massive refugee crisis.

Trump might lie about the size of his inauguration crowd, etc. But he’s not lied America and its allies into decades long foreign wars. Powell and Bush were dangerous liars, Trump is just an idiot.
Trump campaign demands CNN apologize for poll that shows Biden leading

Wed June 10, 2020

President Donald Trump's campaign is demanding CNN retract and apologize for a recent poll that showed him well behind presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.

The demand, coming in the form of a cease and desist letter to CNN President Jeff Zucker that contained numerous incorrect and misleading claims, was immediately rejected by the network.

"We stand by our poll," said Matt Dornic, a CNN spokesman.

The CNN poll conducted by SSRS and released on Monday shows Trump trailing the former vice president by 14 points, 55%-41%, among registered voters. It also finds the President's approval rating at 38% -- his worst mark since January 2019, and roughly on par with approval ratings for one-term Presidents Jimmy Carter and George H.W. Bush at this point in their reelection years -- and his disapproval rating at 57%.

Trump campaign demands CNN apologize for poll that shows Biden leading

Wed June 10, 2020

President Donald Trump's campaign is demanding CNN retract and apologize for a recent poll that showed him well behind presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.

The demand, coming in the form of a cease and desist letter to CNN President Jeff Zucker that contained numerous incorrect and misleading claims, was immediately rejected by the network.

"We stand by our poll," said Matt Dornic, a CNN spokesman.

The CNN poll conducted by SSRS and released on Monday shows Trump trailing the former vice president by 14 points, 55%-41%, among registered voters. It also finds the President's approval rating at 38% -- his worst mark since January 2019, and roughly on par with approval ratings for one-term Presidents Jimmy Carter and George H.W. Bush at this point in their reelection years -- and his disapproval rating at 57%.

So basically he does not want people to know he is getting his ass handed to him by Joe Biden and wants to whitewash the media coverage.
Abrams - POC and a favourite of many, but with no federal experience. A strong contender, IMO

She's quickly becoming the Sarah Palin candidate of 2020. A good choice for box ticking. But unlikely to have substance. If she's picked, people will don't Biden's judgement.

Duckworth - Combat veteran, Asian background. But the VP under Biden needs to be ready to become the POTUS, and as a naturalized American citizen, she's can't be. She's out!

Wrong. Her father was an American citizen. So her Thai birth is of no consequence. She's a natural born citizen. So she is likely very much still in the race.

Harris - Prosecutor in CA. Dramatically increased convictions (which means pleas), leading to more POC in jail. She's out!

And yet lots of reports she's in. Being a prosecutor is not an automatic cut.
Hopefully the current momentum carries through till 2020. Winning the Presidency won't be enough to change much. Democrats need to win the House, the Senate and the Presidency to make a difference.
She's quickly becoming the Sarah Palin candidate of 2020. A good choice for box ticking. But unlikely to have substance. If she's picked, people will don't Biden's judgement.
Palin was a state governor. Abrams hasn’t served in any state or federal role. I agree though, she’s not the prudent pick for Biden.
Wrong. Her father was an American citizen. So her Thai birth is of no consequence. She's a natural born citizen. So she is likely very much still in the race.
I didn’t know that’s how it worked, interesting. So, had Obama's mother or father been American the crazy Kenyan birther theories wouldn’t work. If she succeeds Biden, she would be the only foreign born POTUS.
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