This isn't as much about Pearson as it is about general aviation.
I find this thread fascinating, but maybe not for the obvious reasons.
One of the biggest challenges we all have today, in a media/online world that appears to have fractured into a set of tribal bonfires, is getting to the heart of facts. I have been reading your thread and I am struck by the number of underlining assumptions being made over the years that, although these assumptions are being sponsored and repeated by some large and powerful groups such as the GTAA, are either no longer valid or fly in the face of facts.
I would like to suggest that you might want to revisit who/ what/ why of some of these assumptions.
I do need to point out one assumption that you need to challenge, that the GTAA is in favor of the airport. They are not and never will be again, they do not want the competition.
Structural and business changes means that they are no longer the benign managers that they where original set up to be. Since the GTAA change its business strategy, it has been lobbying hard against Pickering Airport for a decade.
Also if you are interested there is a group based inside the Buttonville flying club, called the Friends of Pickering Airport, ( ) that has been chewing over the pros and cons of the airport for years, as well as a number of aviation related safety issues this missing airport is creating for the traveling public. Yes, we are mostly pilots but perhaps it is time to climb over the garden walls erected by our profession to take on the lobby guys at the GTAA and those profiting from the status quo for a better look at this issue.
Your input/ point of view on the website or forum is welcome.
An yes I am a volunteer and a commercial pilot, not a Lordy clueless lobby guy or one of the self annotated few renting the Pickering airport lands on the cheap.