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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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The whole exercise is the match the municipal boundaries with those of the province and feds. So, it would take the feds to change their boundaries to push the province, I think.

The only difference is that there are twelve ridings in Northern Ontario in the provincial boundaries, and only ten in the federal boundaries. (Not counting Parry Sound-Muskoka, Muskoka is not Northern Ontario; Parry Sound District is arguable.)

That was designed on purpose for two reasons: several northern ridings encompass remote communities, accessible only by long drives on lonely highways (Red Lake, Manitouwadge, or Armstrong), by train (Moosonee) or fly-in; it's more difficult to represent these areas. Also, as urban and suburban Ontario increases in population, it was decided that the North shouldn't lose out in absolute representation, even if the percentage of seats in the legislature declines.
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Ford Fest has moved outside the city limits:

Next a Ford Amphitheatre (or Amphitheatrum Fordium) where the people will be treated to bread and circuses, to distract the "folks" from the conditions they are living in.

From link.

With statues of Rob Ford out front and the Ford family all around.
Except that those who complain about having to be "politically correct", generally imply they shouldn't be beholden to general respect for people's choices, race or circumstances. "Political correctness" is societal shame (one of the best motivators around, according to behavioural psychologists), and people get defensive out of guilt.

The issue you equate people against political correctness who mostly belong to the far right and people who complain about the excesses of political correctness which is far more mainstream to be the same, which is unfair imo.

General politeness = general politeness.
Political correctness is more about a societal debate about to which extreme do we have to shape our expressions or actions towards others.

Political correctness is defined differently as the avoidance, often considered as taken to extremes, of forms of expression or action that are perceived to exclude, marginalize, or insult groups of people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against.

It is more the excesses of political correctness that frankly hurt progressive causes as it undermines them with silly wedge issues and become diversions from the actual 'injustice' and gives fuel to opponents of progressive ideals.

Therefore not everyone who has issues with political correctness is a racist or etc, they frankly find people that are 'too Politically correct' undermine the causes they believe in as they become a distraction from the bigger picture.

For example, Justin Trudeau feminist agenda was well received but to have an entire budget called a feminist budget and then saying stuff like 'peoplekind' was so politically correct that it started to undermine the feminist agenda put forward by the PM and why you have seen the PM move on from such rhetoric.

So the issue is the excesses of political correctness, not political correctness and many of my liberal friend in university roll their eyes when people get "too pc" and many comedians, TV shows commentators who would be considered left leanings have ridiculed PC culture when it gets a bit absurd.

So I think that nullifies that everyone who says you are 'too PC' is some old white conservative guy lol.

Of course, Ford and Trumps rally against political correctness are dog whistle politics.
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As opposed to “intellectually dishonest and eager to offend”?

Not bad. Perhaps exactly so.

Political correctness just means don’t be an asshole to someone living a different life.

If by 'asshole' you mean to say someone who doesn't mind being honest, then yeah, I see where you're coming from.

Being offended is a part of public life.

Every individual lives "a different life".
One doesn't have to be an asshole in order to be honest.
And you think the AG would have know that ... or someone would have checked with a constitutional lawyer ... or something.

I am suspecting they knew, but Doug being Doug thought to ram the crap through anyways hoping we would fold and or expected Tory not to give in to council.
Except that those who complain about having to be "politically correct", generally imply they shouldn't be beholden to general respect for people's choices, race or circumstances.

Do they?
Seems like a generalisation based on.....I mean, do you know a lot of shitty people?
Not bad. Perhaps exactly so.

If by 'asshole' you mean to say someone who doesn't mind being honest, then yeah, I see where you're coming from.

Being offended is a part of public life.

Every individual lives "a different life".
One doesn't have to be an asshole in order to be honest.

The issue with excessive political correctness at times is if one says "there is a lot of gun Violence in Toronto being committed by members of the X community in Toronto"

PC person would say: " YOU ARE RACIST"

I do agree that some people use that point to push racist ideas about 'X people'. However, how do we tackle gun violence in the city if due to excessive political correctness we cannot have an honest discussion? I think that is why political correctness is such a hot-button issue.
The issue with excessive political correctness at times is if one says "there is a lot of gun Violence in Toronto being committed by members of the X community in Toronto"

PC person would say: " YOU ARE RACIST"

I do agree that some people use that point to push racist ideas about 'X people'. However, how do we tackle gun violence in the city if due to excessive political correctness we cannot have an honest discussion? I think that is why political correctness is such a hot-button issue.

Well, that's my point: we can't in the current culture have an honest discussion about anything.
Someone will be offended and the offenders will be deemed assholes or whatnot.

Anyone speaking honestly is immediately branded with descriptors of the extreme.

It's absurdly comical, yet sad.

Don't be an asshole, my eye.

The real assholes are the Fords of the world who try to take away people's right to be an independent person with independent responsibilities, rights, and obligations.
