Moved from the John Tory thread.
First, I don't care if some person named Hanlon is bearded or clean shaven.
There were several points made about my data.
- What is the best measure to use. This can be debated forever. Jobs data ,GDP, Debt, Wage Growth, etc. I have no problem with your choice here.
- Impartiality. Both of our samples are equal - there is no biased in choosing different sets of data to the benefit or detriment of a specific leader.
- Accuracy. My data was to a specific date, rounded to the nearest month. Your data, with the 5 year rolling average, makes it more difficult to isolate a specific leaders data, especially if they were around for a shorter period of time.
- Consider economic conditions at the time. My data compares Ontario to its neighbours within the same economic times. Your data compares leaders data from one era to another. Considering that global economic conditions must be considered, your data makes no such provisions.
- Measure truly looks at Ontario influenced data. Similar to above, my data compares Ontario to neighbours, yours does not. Do other provinces graphs look identical? Is this related to federal policy and all provinces follow the same trend.? My data appear far superior by this measure.
Your data is 1 point in the debate - but don't think it is the best measure, or even a better measure than mine - because I think it clearly is not.
This all started with Mike Harris, and I'd say it is easily arguable that he was the best Ontario Premier in the past 30 years - admittedly, not the greatest crop of characters when compared to the past 100 years.