Thing is, auto centric suburbs will develop highway or not. Look at Whitchurch-Stouffville where they had a ton of car-oriented copy past suburbs develop over the past 5+ years. What Highway are they built off again? The suburb is located 9km east of Hwy 404, and 11km north of 407. The reality is that suburbs are being developed with or without highways, the only difference highways make is how much strain is going to be put on the major roads, and not building highways isn't going to stop the spread of auto-centric suburbs.
There are options to curtail such building.
Expanding the Greenbelt; imposing higher minimum densities, imposing standards for complete streets, banning front yard driveways/garages and requiring rear lanes, requiring mixed use retail and rental.
This can be done, has been done, and is being done.
Sometimes well; sometimes not so much.
But we most certainly can put in measures to end auto-centric new builds.
Its not complicated in the least.
Its worth noting how much less auto-centric SFH we're seeing as a portion of new construction now vs what we were seeing 15 years ago.
Its still far too high; but we have made a material bend in the proverbial curve.
Widening highways and extending them will do nothing to relieve roads. We've been there, done that, didn't work.
For the simple reason that if we facilitate more auto-centric living, we will get more of it; which will just drive us (pun intended) to yet another highway and another widening.
We're well past enough is enough; and onto enough is too much.