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Mammoliti kissing ass, and Rob Ford being a douchebag.

So ridiculous. Rob Ford LOVES the media attention and when people are talking about him. Negative attention is still attention, and he loves to make himself look good at any possible chance.
Haven't been following this, but why the hell was Mammoliti looking for city employees goofing off instead of doing his job?
Was just looking at the numbers for the SRT when compared to the Sheppard subway, and I was surprised to see that ridership on the SRT is actually lower. I know the trains are smaller, but it certainly feels far more congested than the subway does.

I am now more confident than ever that by investing in a few more trains to operate the line at 2-3 minute headways would have addressed all capacity complaints about the line.

Just another reason why an LRT is the perfect solution for this route.

Wow that's a surprisingly harsh take on Ford, especially coming from Warmington.

This is the part of the election cycle where Ford apologists who survive him will ramp down their support to go with the winds of public sentiment and hope people don't remember, by 2015, their going to the mat for Ford and his imbecilic wingmen.
It's amazing how hanging out with criminals, accusations of smoking crack, lying, and generally being a terrible Mayor didn't seem to make much of a dent in Rob Ford's support but the bullying tactics against Councillor Ainslie and today's public shaming of a guy sleeping on the job appear to have turned the tide. People who aren't known to criticize Ford -- some of them full time ass kissers -- are now distancing themselves from Ford. Nobody likes a bully.
It's amazing how hanging out with criminals, accusations of smoking crack, lying, and generally being a terrible Mayor didn't seem to make much of a dent in Rob Ford's support but the bullying tactics against Councillor Ainslie and today's public shaming of a guy sleeping on the job appear to have turned the tide. People who aren't known to criticize Ford -- some of them full time ass kissers -- are now distancing themselves from Ford. Nobody likes a bully.

David Rider tweeted about a pro-Ford relative of his who has now changed their mind about Ford. If this is what brings him down, I will be so conflicted: 1) happy because he'll finally be getting his just desserts 2) angry because there are WAY bigger things that should have caused this loss in popularity. This is petty in comparison.

That reminded me of Richard Dawkins writing the book "The God Delusion" backed with facts and evidence, while Christian apologists write their responses to the book, but without any convincing facts or evidence.

Right...Watch John C. Lennox make Dawkins look like the lightweight that he is in The God Delusion Debate.

Actually I would even prioritize it above RT replacement - you can't ignore a cost argument for one line and then go back and claim that resources should be prioritized to the DRL.


The reason that Sheppard and Finch are lower priorities is because their capacity will almost instantly be increased by 50% by the addition of Articulated buses.

For the SRT, the opposite is true. As time goes by more trains will break down and we will be lucky to maintain capacity at what it is now - and more likely, it will gradually decrease. The other reason why SRT is more urgent than the DRL is that the Eglinton line is already under construction and it should be built integral with the SRT to create a proper network. Thus, the decision to put the Eglinton line ahead of the DRL has also forced the SRT to be done before the DRL as well.
Rob Ford was in the Ripley's Aquarium today.

He said that he likes the Great White Shark's huge mouth full of sharp teeth; it is his favourite fish.
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