Obviously MetroMan is a shark and I'm a guppy, but what he described here jives with what I've heard - a LOT of couch time. This is good news for two reasons: 1) It means that my information is the same as MetoMan's, so I've got cred now, and 2) I got to use the word "jives".
Honesty, how does anyone at City Hall even pretend that what's going on is even in the same galaxy as normal? It would be like being introduced to your buddy's work friend, only to learn that every 15 minutes a fire errupts from his pants. And you're like: "Did Eddie just spray a fire extinguisher dowm his pants?" And your buddy's like, "Oh, is it quarter after already? Yeah, Eddie's balls shoot fire every 15 minutes, I thought I mentioned that. Anyway, are you buying the next round?" Wouldn't you be like: "Excuse me? It is not fucking normal to have a dragon dick."
I think I get what you're saying, but I recoil at the suggestion that the press is "hostile" for any reason other than Ford is acting like the mayoral equivalent of the guy who's junk bursts into flames four times an hour.
(Sorry if I ruined the forum tonight. It's been that kind of day. I'll go now).