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It still stands that -- rumour though it may be -- the second video *might* be the sex tape. It wouldn't have a very large monetary value because taking it, filming a sex act -- might constitute a crime -- especially if it depicts prostitution, underage girls etc. Hard to sell that. However it would be good for protection... Against the Fords.

Though if it accorded with alternate rumours of it being Don Bosco gangbang footage (or something like that), the "underage sex" element could conceivably go the other way--high school footballers aren't all over 18, you know...
On the DC connection, I'm told that this person is one of the most notorious names on the list of clients. It may not be crack or even powder cocaine that they were buying. Remember, Lisi got busted for trafficking weed. It's not the drug that's important, it's their connection to the ugly underworld of gangs in Toronto. That'll destroy their reputation in the communities they're in and have their employers disown them. If the list goes public, it's going to be one of the biggest bombshells to drop on this city with tentacles reaching into so many different segments of Toronto's public faces.

I don't buy these results in the slightest, and I wish people would stop treating them as significant in any way. This one-man-band polling shop contacted 1100-odd people who picked up a LAND LINE on November 6. In 2013 that is hopelessly skewed toward white senior citizens. When they start including people with mobile phones in their results, these polls might pass the laugh test.
Though if it accorded with alternate rumours of it being Don Bosco gangbang footage (or something like that), the "underage sex" element could conceivably go the other way--high school footballers aren't all over 18, you know...

I think we're REALLY getting carried away with the rumours here.

Also hearing that Ford showed up to an event Harper is at right now...a Ukrainian event in Etobicoke.
I don't buy these results in the slightest, and I wish people would stop treating them as significant in any way. This one-man-band polling shop contacted 1100-odd people who picked up a LAND LINE on November 6. In 2013 that is hopelessly skewed toward white senior citizens. When they start including people with mobile phones in their results, these polls might pass the laugh test.

While I agree, there is also a reason why Ford hasn't surrendered, and it's not just about his pig-headedness. There is still some support out there--and nobody really knows how much...
On the DC connection, I'm told that this person is one of the most notorious names on the list of clients. It may not be crack or even powder cocaine that they were buying. Remember, Lisi got busted for trafficking weed. It's not the drug that's important, it's their connection to the ugly underworld of gangs in Toronto. That'll destroy their reputation in the communities they're in and have their employers disown them. If the list goes public, it's going to be one of the biggest bombshells to drop on this city with tentacles reaching into so many different segments of Toronto's public faces.

TPS found a small amount of coke in the back of the dry cleaners, so someone has a connection for more than just weed. If Lisi was heard ordering coke from the Dixon dealers during the Traveller wire taps, they would have tapped him as well to see where it would lead.
The records will show all his calls to and from his "customers". Oh, dear. Must be the reason for all the black pages in the ITO.
That's not to say that I'll write off Tory entirely if he comes in as a centre candidate rather as has been hinted at from those (Liberals) asking him to run.

Tory will campaign as a baboon if he thinks it would get him elected. Tory's lifelong dream is to actually be elected. Never going to happen.

He will either chicken out, or run against Chow and lose (as he always does). And that will be his last defeat, and the last we will hear of John Tory (hopefully)

Toronto is not, and never will be best served by fiscal conservatives...whether they be of the fake kind (Ford) or the genuine kind (Tory...who is also a social conservative as well, only he hides it well)
I didn't realize how high tensions are between those pro and anti Rob Ford until tonight. There were a bunch of idiots arguing loudly on King St just now about how "Rob Ford is gonna take care of you lefty liberals downtown". It got into an actual physical fight and the cops broke it up. One guy all bloody faced started shouting "fuck the police, I still trust Rob Ford! You corrupt fuckers are just out to get him because he's busting up the unions!"
It was more than just one guy defending Ford. It looked like all the suburban douchebags who come downtown to party were pro-Ford. Somebody needs to save Toronto from itself. Sad.

Y'know, makes me think. Within this thread, and within UT in general, I was right out of the gate--and contentiously at that--with the speculation that, unchecked, the Ford mayoralty could well play out as a macabre nightmare scenario. That is, this wasn't just another bumbling right-winger a la Mel Lastman, Larry O'Brien--this was worse. *Far* worse. Maybe even Belfast-at-its-nadir worse.

Well, when it comes to "macabre", don't say I didn't tell you so. But if the collapse of the whole Ford souffle these past couple of weeks is enough to stuff gasoline'd rags into *this* goonish reflex, we're in dangerous territory, indeed.

Keeping in mind that up 'til now, "Ford Nation" as such has opted for silent-majority relative invisibility--at worst, trolling message boards in their pyjamas, or sneering at how anti-Ford activists and deputants have time to be visible because "they don't have real jobs". After all, Ford won in 2010, fair and square, put that in your pipe and smoke it, nyah nyah.

But now that it looks like it's (maybe) all falling apart for the Fords--and, worse, that the police are complicit--they're *real* stoked.

At this point, it'd even make me fear the worst for World Pride.
If the list goes public, it's going to be one of the biggest bombshells to drop on this city with tentacles reaching into so many different segments of Toronto's public faces.

What are the chances of that happening? Is the list in the ITO?
I don't buy these results in the slightest, and I wish people would stop treating them as significant in any way. This one-man-band polling shop contacted 1100-odd people who picked up a LAND LINE on November 6. In 2013 that is hopelessly skewed toward white senior citizens. When they start including people with mobile phones in their results, these polls might pass the laugh test.

This can't be emphasized enough.
While I agree, there is also a reason why Ford hasn't surrendered, and it's not just about his pig-headedness. There is still some support out there--and nobody really knows how much...

true, no one knows...but we do know they are these people:

"Most people, when directly confronted with proof that they are wrong, do not change their point of view or course of action but justify it even more tenaciously. Politicians, of course, offer the most visible, and often tragic, examples of this practice ... We even stay in an unhappy relationships or merely one that is going nowhere because, after all, we invested so much time in making it work."

"Self-justification has costs and benefits. By itself it's not necessarily a bad thing. It lets us sleep at night. Without it we would prolong the awful pangs of embarrassment...Yet mindless self-justification, like quicksand, can draw us deeper into disaster. It blocks our ability to even see our errors, let alone correct them. It distorts reality, keeping us from getting all the information we need and assessing issues clearly."

From Mistakes Were Made (but Not by Me), Carol Tavris and Elliot Aronson

also, sadly:

People Who Never Apologize Are Probably Happier Than You
But now that it looks like it's (maybe) all falling apart for the Fords--and, worse, that the police are complicit--they're *real* stoked.

At this point, it'd even make me fear the worst for World Pride.

I don't know if I agree with this. Just as the unseen hand of status quo kept so many people from challenging Ford harder these past three years, I think the same force will keep the internet tough guys and try-too-hard wingnuts from actually taking to the streets. As if they even want to come downtown (or better yet, I suspect, as if the most vocal of them even live in Toronto).
On the DC connection, I'm told that this person is one of the most notorious names on the list of clients. It may not be crack or even powder cocaine that they were buying. Remember, Lisi got busted for trafficking weed. It's not the drug that's important, it's their connection to the ugly underworld of gangs in Toronto. That'll destroy their reputation in the communities they're in and have their employers disown them. If the list goes public, it's going to be one of the biggest bombshells to drop on this city with tentacles reaching into so many different segments of Toronto's public faces.

This makes me think that in any medium-size-to-big city the police chief, most senior cops, and lots of rank-and-file cops are pretty certain or are aware of very credible rumours that various "pillars of the community" and other local big shots are customers of some quite nasty drug dealers.

If so, I think it would be tough to decide what to do about it. Just going out and trying to bust everybody who's apparently guilty might unleash chaos. It's a pretty grey moral area, I imagine. I'm pretty sympathetic to a chief who exercises discretion, as long as his/her force isn't simultaneously smashing middle-class, working-class and street-person-type consumers of illegal drugs.

I genuinely don't know what to think about this issue. Comments from police officers or people who know them, Toronto or elsewhere, would be welcome.
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