Recent posts have described Ford as "nice guy", "vulnerable", "motivated" in rehab, generous in lending his car to McRobb who smashed hers (in a drunken stupor?). It's been suggested that Ford might even get a post-rehab bump in the polls.
I just want to remind us all that Rob Ford, the nice guy, offered to let two violent criminals fu*k his wife; vulnerable Rob Ford threatened a security guard at City Hall who was doing his job, gave the finger to a woman and child, while driving, called a cab driver "a Paki", etc., etc.; motivated-in-rehab Rob Ford was reported by the Star as spotted on Sunday in Gravehurst outside the Marriott Hotel in suspicious circumstances that might be drug related; generous Rob Ford has no valid reason to have had his escalade brought to rehab, given his only outings are allegedly weekly escorted excursions to AA meetings.
Don't go getting all soft on this guy. He's a prime manipulator and, until he is held strictly accountable for his behaviour -- without any supportive pscho-babble from enablers and would-be rescuers -- he hasn't a chance of getting clean and sober.