Active Member
No kidding. He can project an aura of false bonhomie when it suits him but that evaporates in an instant when things aren't going his way, i.e. when he encounters people who don't kiss his gigantic ass to his satisfaction, never mind anyone who's actually - gasp! - critical of him.
Whenever people fall for his bullshit and start bleating about how "nice" he is, I think about what Ford's actually, you know, done. His near physical assault of Daniel Dale, followed by the obvious and transparently spiteful attempt to smear Dale as a pedophile, his body slamming Pam McConnell and his later bullying intimidation of her, complete with a sick smile on his face while he was doing the latter, his firing of TTC general manager Gary Webster in an obvious revenge move when Webster, shockingly, did his job while refusing to act as a Ford stooge, his association with the lowest kind of criminal scum, his vicious temper and frequent abuse of other people. No, he's not "nice" by any definition of the word.
Any time I consider giving him the benefit of the doubt on this issue, I like to remember the moment in the infamous "Fat Fuck" video where he realises that he has an opportunity to bully someone and his face just lights up with glee as he moves in on John Barber.