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Most bombed political threat ever...
Most bombed politician ever.
Most bombed political threat ever...
Most bombed politician ever.
Ah, I got it now. Already seen some tinfoilhattery on Twitter implying it was the cops and/or unions behind it ...
There are loads of references to Lisis' submissive relationship to ford but, I was told by a friend who used to work as a dominatrix that it is Rofo who seems like the bottom. She says they thrive on humiliation. Anyone remember him on Kimmel?
I would beg to differ - but then Sir John A and company probably had their horses trained to bring them home when plastered and pretty sure they mostly were just ripped on booze and nothing else most of the time.
Not to mention his cuckolding offer of his wife to his friends.
Don't believe the legend, John A. was not the lush history has painted him.
Another meaningless post from IHTWOSJAM. Probably just some pissed off Tory who's trying to pawn off worthless railway land.
IHTWOSJAM = i hate the war on sir john a macdonaldIm a dolt, what do you mean?
So the Fords grotesquely mishandled a fake bomb threat that they themselves were very possibly responsible for? What's the protocol here? Is it better or worse that they knew nobody's lives were actually in danger?
As for Blair: Like everyone else, I knew he'd likely cave in the end, but I thought he'd have the wherewithal to make Thug sweat a bit before it got to that point. Considering that the 'apology' he received was yet another of the Fords' patented non-apology "apologies," one can't help wondering how incompetent his lawyer is to have advised him that was good enough.
Rob's Monday quote on the bomb threat is one for the ages. this guy's brain is truly scrambled.
“It’s disturbing,” Rob Ford told reporters at the time. “I just want to let people in this great city know what’s going on. I’m moving on — it’s business as usual.”
he's "moving on" during a bomb threat? it's "business as usual" during a bomb threat? the man is truly bizarre...has absolutely no idea what's he's saying from one moment to the next....