New Member
I think I've mentioned this before, but it was a while ago, and other people here keep circling back to their cultural touchstones that probably have far less to do with the topic.
Rob Ford's attitude toward black people makes me think of the first couple lines of Don DeLillo's 1972 novel End Zone:
Taft Robinson was the first black student to be enrolled at Logos College in west Texas. They got him for his speed.
Exactly. And that is why he got BOOO'd and heckled so hard. Others on the panel and crowd told him and called him out on that perspective right there. Yelling about Football and TCHbuildings are not enough when we're talking about needing more access, jobs, programs for families and youth, actual development that benefits communities etc etc etc...
Re today's debate--was it an "open" one? Because what seems to surprise me is the lack of reported confrontations from either end--pro or anti--indeed, where was the RoFo rent-a-cheering-squad? Was Iola there? Bullet-head Parkin? Any of those nutters or looking-for-trouble types? Sounds surprisingly placid...
No it wasn't "open"; thats why there was discussion/confusion about timing. Not all the questions were asked, and rebuttals were clear and to the point - Rob Ford voted against time and time again what could help, or he just wasn't there. Period.