Senior Member
So a junior staffer on Tory's campaign team told me she was concerned today's Forum poll shows Chow supporters moving to Dougie. She's been fearing this would happen. I told her Doug likely won't be getting many more Chow supporters as the vast majority of NDPers would never ever vote for a Ford. Ya'll agree? Or can you see NDP supporters moving to Ford to stop Tory?
This seems highly improbable as they are diametrically opposed to one another ideologically. i think many Chow supporters would be more likely to move to the left than the right.
Anyway, i don't see any chance of an "Anyone But Tory" cohort emerging. Tory's too bland and centrist to elicit those kinds of strong feelings....
I actually think its more likely that some Ford voters will strategically vote for Chow in order to deny Tory a huge victory.
If there's any real hatred in the camps, it's the Ford's visceral anger at Tory taking away all the center right votes they got last time.