Active Member
Question for lawyers. So when a judges robes have red on them does that mean they're really high level?
Nope. All judges have red sashes.
Question for lawyers. So when a judges robes have red on them does that mean they're really high level?
I posted this last night but it might of got lost after Tory denied white privilege, or everyone has me on ignore. I saw the ford attack ad on Tory, just once, and I'm wondering if the VoiceOver is supposed to sound like Chow? When I saw it my first thought it was her ad.
Sounds nothing remotely like her to me, so I don't think so, at all.
I'm not even sure this place you call "New Jersey" even exists...
reporterdonpeat 5:03pm via iOS
"Lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, all the way down" Doug Ford on what he said when reading today's Globe & Mail story on Deco. http://t.co/ox4f2r1EoP
I was driving up Islington today from Queensway to Bloor. I saw 1 Ford sign, 2 Chow signs and no Tory signs. I was pretty surprised that I didn't see more Ford signs.