In the middle of all this, I'm wondering: whatever happened to that big mystery bombshell item on Ford that the Globe & Mail's been sitting on since last month...
^you mean for the last year, apparently?
Re: Mammolitti -- Isn't he the guy who went to the press about receiving threats from the mafia over the nightclub ("Meow"?) that was located in the motel at Lakeshore & Windermere? Had to be 10 or 15 years ago. Also, didn't he try to pass a bylaw requiring that cats be kept on leash?
This whole Rob Ford thing is busting open how completely unqualified people are running our city's or at least making the decisions while City staff run the city in spite of our leaders.
We seriously need to revisit the City of Toronto Act and require leaders to pass more stringent pre-requisites. An IQ test and a full psychological test should be minimum requirements along with a criminal background check.
Our rightwingers are still obsessing about a Mayor that's been gone for more than two years. The list of things Ford has done on transit, for example, to set back the city's public transit for YEARS is long
What an absurd statement. No one has ever suggested those lines shouldn't be subway. A competent mayor would back subway where necessary (DRL and Yonge Extension), and something else where it wasn't. Ford put his money on subway on Sheppard, where the projected ridership is so low, that the real debate is whether it should be BRT or LRT.Ford's an idiot for lobbing subways instead of streetcars? Gee, I wish Yonge/University and the Bloor/Danforth lines were streetcar tracks right now. Those planners back in the 50s sure were foolish to build subways.
Why do people continue to support such a complete and total failure of questionable intelligence? I fail to see why those who made the mistake of voting for such a complete and total failure, don't simply put forward a candidate of similar views who is actually intelligent and competent.
Ahh come-on, even if Doug Holyday, or even John Tory was in charge of the city, you guys would still be bitching.....many of you people are only happy with your Chows, Tams, Laytons, Vaughans, Perks, etc.etc.etc.
I expect people would be bitching no matter who was mayor.Ahh come-on, even if Doug Holyday, or even John Tory was in charge of the city, you guys would still be bitching.....many of you people are only happy with your Chows, Tams, Laytons, Vaughans, Perks, etc.etc.etc.
Which is a shame - Ford is so grossly incompetent, that he's quite ineffective. Those that are more progressive might be better off under Ford, who can't accomplish much - than a more competent person, who might actually be able to get things done.In 5h24m Rob Ford won't be Mayor. I'm betting on those left of his clique to turn their backs on Ford by the end of tomorrow. He won't get support for appointment and the right will put forward another Cinservative candidate to run in 2014. Ford is done.
As much as I'll be happy to see the back of him - I'm not actually convinced that this is the best move.