Active Member
My poster design for the next election season: that photo of Rob Ford reading while driving with the tagline TORONTO - YOU"RE SMARTER THAN THIS. Any other photos could I use to make it a campaign? A shot of the scales from the weight loss challenge, maybe? Ford running comically from the media? Maybe others would seem loo mean, too smug, too downtown elite (although it's my idea, and for what it's worth, I don't live downtown and, if anything, I'm underclass). Toronto's population overall must be as well-educated and responsibly employed as any in North America, I need to believe that they can't feel well represented by such a bumbling doofus who studies his speech on his steering wheel while driving the highway. I do have less certain moments when I begin to suspect that he does represent us in all our stupid selfishness. I know I've stood and watched with sad resignation as people crammed into the already packed first streetcar in a line of streetcars, where each one is clearly less occupied than the one before. And those streetcar riding people so self-importantly pushing to make sure they're on the first car, most of them aren't even Ford voters.