Oh, incidentally; don't know how this tidbit got passed by, but I checked Riverside Cemetery today and RoFo now has his headstone, right in front of his dad. It has a cameo photo like his father's; but otherwise nothing bombastic like his dad's "biblical" quote; just the unabashedly "ordinary" granite grave marker of an unabashedly "ordinary" man--no explicit indication of his mayoralty, even; just his family. Oh, with one exception: at the base, the words "FORD NATION" are carved. That's it; nothing else. (And his dad'd probably respond, "there goes the dumbass again".)
Weird how, given the international-fixation circus of his mayoralty and apparent/supposed devotion of his support base, there seems to have been virtually no signs of pilgrimage here whatsoever--look, I know he's no Jim Morrison; but, still. (I checked Renata's FB for any acknowledgment; but she seems to have not updated since the beginning of the month.)