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Rob Ford confounds his critics

Ever since he was elected mayor Oct. 25, Rob Ford’s critics have been predicting Armageddon at City Hall.

The reality has been the opposite.

Ford has kept his temper in check and crafted a coalition on council to get his agenda through.

Contrary to his history of not working well with others, he has delegated key responsibilities to council allies like Mike Del Grande (budget), Karen Stintz (TTC), and Denzil Minnan-Wong (public works).

If anything, it’s Ford’s political opponents on council and furious union leaders and screaming poverty activists, who have been “losing it,†not the mayor.


“losing it,†they should have added fanatic anti-Ford forum members to this list.

The reason behind Rob Ford's keeping his temper in check and getting along with others, is that his handlers are keeping a tight leash on him. See this article from at this link.
Contrary to his history of not working well with others, he has delegated key responsibilities to council allies like Mike Del Grande (budget), Karen Stintz (TTC), and Denzil Minnan-Wong (public works).

In some cases that might be a bit of a stretch. Karen Stintz for example has publicly stated she has no involvement in the Transit City/TC replacement plan work. We're talking the biggest TTC infrastructure project in years and the TTC chair is not in the loop as discussions are going between the Mayor's office and Metrolinx (hopefully with some input from TTC staff).

Instead, has anyone noticed that almost any time Stintz is mentioned in the media of late, it involves her picking up litter on the TTC? It's great and all she's doing that personally, but one would hope she's involved with the system to a greater extent than simply helping out the janitors.
In some cases that might be a bit of a stretch. Karen Stintz for example has publicly stated she has no involvement in the Transit City/TC replacement plan work. We're talking the biggest TTC infrastructure project in years and the TTC chair is not in the loop as discussions are going between the Mayor's office and Metrolinx (hopefully with some input from TTC staff).

Instead, has anyone noticed that almost any time Stintz is mentioned in the media of late, it involves her picking up litter on the TTC? It's great and all she's doing that personally, but one would hope she's involved with the system to a greater extent than simply helping out the janitors.

Isn't that a union job? How dare she!
And she is getting paid what, 90K to do that?

"Somewhere over the Don Valley River, she spots two discarded Metro newspapers, and snatches them up for later disposal."

"“We need information boards that tell the customer about delays before they pay their fare,†Stintz says, clutching a discarded chocolate milk carton and candy wrapper she’s snatched off the windowsill of another train, heading north, that afternoon"

"sliding her foot under the seat of a woman dozing on the Eglinton bus as it glides into the station. She’s fishing for two soggy newspapers. "

"A free newspaper tossed on the floor catches her eye in almost every subway car we step onto.

She grabbed it, apologized to riders as she reached over them and tossed it out at the next stop."
Don't get me wrong, good for her for doing it - it is an issue that deserves attention - but quite frankly her time is better spent directing the organization to have that as a priority and direct others to do that job.

Absolutely. When the media feels they need to highlight her picking up litter, it suggests there isn't much else of substance to her role for them to report on.

It's particularly troubling that she has nothing to do with the largest transit project in years:

"In any case, her fingerprints won't be on the final deal. The mayor's office has left her out of the high-stakes negotiations with Metrolinx and the province over Mr. Ford's subway plan. Ms. Stintz gamely insists the talks “are taking place at the right level†and denies that she's trapped between the competing political agendas of the mayor and Premier Dalton McGuinty."

Makes one wonder why Ford didn't take on the TTC's chair position himself if he's going to be the one calling the shots (or at least his office is).
My next vote for any high political office goes to whichever candidate agrees to personally deliver my mail.
^Or takes out my garbage.

You should get Vancouver mayor Gregor Robertson to run for mayor here then.

When it comes to cleaning up the city, Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson knows first hand how tough a job it can be.

And his stint as a trash collector for a reality TV show almost ended in disaster, he admitted.

“I had one of those apartment building recycling bins fly off the top of a truck and almost nail a car when the cameras weren’t rolling,” he said.

“Those big trucks with the hydraulics really throw the cans around. If you’re not perfect on the controls it can get ugly.”

“Luckily, the can didn’t hit anything but it was a spectacular launch,” he added.

In November, Robertson put in two 10- to 12-hour shifts as a garbage collector, as well as working on the recycling pickup crew.

He’ll appear on an episode of CBC’s series Make the Politician Work, airing Feb. 13.

Robertson worked on garbage pickup in Kitsilano and recycling pickup in Cambie Village, as well as in the city’s transfer station.

Wonder what would happen if Ford tried his hand at garbage collecting.
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