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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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It should be remembered that Rob Ford did not want a chauffeur, paid by the city, to drive him around. Of course the chauffeur could have been a security person (IE. police officer), so he couldn't have that. He would rather either drive himself around or have his own chauffeur that he knows personally and pays for himself (if he ever did).

Sure, he claimed he was saving taxpayers money. He was the ultimate multitasking drunk driver, catching up on his paperwork while at the wheel, still in the bag from the night before! Of course he didn't want a chauffeur, it would have restricted his seedy activities during the day or night working hours. On many occasions he would arrive at work stinking of massive amounts of cologne to mask the smell of weed or crack. When he was forced to get a driver (slash enforcer messenger boy) it was Jerry, who would do his errands, picking up dry cleaning and LCBO runs. I have witnessed his worship arriving on the weekends at City Hall packing several bottles under his arm in the obvious LCBO bag. Graeme McEachern would be at city hall 6 days a week, at Robbies beckon call. Security staff knew very well what was going on and never called the fire department when the smell of something burning wafted to the lower level. They knew very well and it was the worst kept secret. Most of the city hall staff were afraid of the staff in the mayor's office for fear of reprisals and avoided that bunch of hand picked low life like the plague.
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The guy with the pipe sounds like some Jerry type.

The Star story reports that the attacker was "at least six feet tall" but that's not what Fabio said during Lisi's pre-trial hearings - he described a man of "regular build" and about 5'8" to 5'10".
Doug, squeezing out a few more minutes of fame from his dead brother...

just now
"I think of all the great things Rob did. He was the best mayor ever," Doug Ford says. "That's what I remember Rob as."

Doug Ford tells CP24 that his brother "had a disease, admitted it and went to go get help."

Uh, whaat?

People around him repeatedly asked if there was a problem, suggested he deal with whatever it was. He denied it over and over (which is not unusual) plus we had the likes of SAL squawking that people expressing concern were 'bullying' him.
Re: The Toronto Sun blubbering about the "failed takedown" of St. Slobbicus of Etobicokus costing the taxpayers "a bundle."

Funny, they didn't seem to mind a certain fatass regularly showing up late to work, drunk or stoned out of his tiny mind - when he bothered to show up at all - and being paid big bucks to do so. Nor did they complain when Ford hired shady characters and/or minor hoodlums he was on mutual ass-kissing terms with for questionable positions within his "administration," also on the taxpayers' dollar. Nor did they appear to note the rather large amount of money it cost the city when Mayor Pigface single-handedly capsized the previous Mayor's Transit City plan - despite the fact Ford technically didn't even have the power to do so, which still boggles the mind - or the gigantic amount of cash it's going to cost for unneeded subways to underdeveloped areas that can't justify them, all spearheaded by Ford for the crassest and most transparent and self-serving political reasons. Nor did they appear to notice when Ford's disgusting family deliberately engineered a situation where a by-election would have to be staged when Fatso dropped out of his political role due to health issues. All for no nobler reason than the Fords' bizarre, delusional narcissism, natch. And as well know, by-elections are far from cheap.

Funny how self-identified 'fiscal conservatives' don't mind in the least when public money is being directly flushed down the toilet as long as it's one of their own doing the flushing.

The reaction to the video by his apologists and enablers has been (perhaps predictably) hypocritical and disingenuous.

Warmington never really gave up on his theory that the video didn't exist or was fake, did he?

And SAL created her own scenario in which she supposedly cared more about Ford than the people who wanted him to get help:

[Ford behaves abominably, shows up late, is drunk in public, takes off for long stretches, etc.]

Council et al: Rob, you don't seem to be achieving much. Is there something you need to deal with? Maybe take some time off? Step down for a while? Get professional help?

Ford: No. [repeated denials]


[repeat a couple of times]

[further embarrassment ensues due to Ford's behaviour, Ford finally fesses up, goes to fake rehab, cancer is revealed, treatment, death]

SAL: Gosh, I lost respect for Ford for not dealing with his problem sooner.

Worms and SAL both seem to be trying to make something of the fact that Rob apparently didn't say anything racist or homophobic in the video (at least not intelligibly). Riiight. It was Elena Basso! That totally outweighs all the OTHER times Rob called someone a racist name or said something hostile about LGBTQ people or Pride or AIDS.

And then there's the expense of the investigation, as if the cops spent all that money just on trying to nail Ford rather than inadvertently catching him up in a much bigger network of crooks.
Worms and SAL both seem to be trying to make something of the fact that Rob apparently didn't say anything racist or homophobic in the video (at least not intelligibly). Riiight. It was Elena Basso! That totally outweighs all the OTHER times Rob called someone a racist name or said something hostile about LGBTQ people or Pride or AIDS.

And then there's the expense of the investigation, as if the cops spent all that money just on trying to nail Ford rather than inadvertently catching him up in a much bigger network of crooks.

Apparently smoking crack with gangbangers is now just a hobby we should expect mayors to indulge in. You know, add a potluck and it'd be as respectable as a neigbhourhood ribfest.

Good job trying to sound like a paragon of decency and honour there, 'dro.
Him and Ford both have this thing where they always see themselves as the victims and can never take responsibility for anything. Like even though he has multiple convictions for terrorizing women he always claims that he was the one who was wronged--he was set up; the girls lied; it's a he said she said.
What do people think about Mikey as a councillor so far? I don't know who else follows him, but he is fairly good at the customer service part of the job. It looks like he does most of the Twitter work himself too.
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Anyone can tweet but has he actually done anything? And how do you know he does the tweeting himself? I'm not disputing that he does, just wondering how you'd know!
Just a guess, but it is way more personal than how Rob or Doug handled social media. I still think he is way over his head in many respects though. Let's see how he deals with a council meeting.

At the height of chaos, David Price’s loyalty was never in question.

Hired as then mayor Rob Ford’s logistics and operations director — a position that baffled observers and some of Ford’s existing staff because it was unclear what his actual responsibilities were — Price, in his early 50s, was often a looming presence at city hall with his squared shoulders, stocky build and military-esque cropped hair.
um... wow. This article completely fails to note that:
1. Price gave interviews in 2015 that talked about Rob's inebriation and how difficult is was working for him.​

“At the time I joined if I knew the depths of depravity that Rob was involved with…I definitely would not have joined his employ,” Price says

2. Following those articles, David Price fell out of favour with Doug Ford. From an article about the gathering after Rob's funeral:​

Not everyone was necessarily welcome at Wednesday evening’s festivities. Ford chief of staff Dan Jacobs confirmed that David Price, Ford's former logistics director, had been barred from entering.

I understand that the article is primarily about his testimony at Lisi's trial (info that can now be revealed), but the last paragraph makes it sound like nothing changed in the Ford Family-Price relationship at all. It says he went to the funeral -- well, he was at the City Hall visitation, and maybe the public funeral downtown, but wasn't welcome at the Celebration of Life, apparently.
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