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What's interesting is that while nfitz used very nasty words to describe Ford, people like Ford and those with differing views on marriage on so many occasions, few challenged him, told him he was out of line or suggested he tone it down. Most of you guys went silent. You could hear crickets practically chirping in the background. That says something.

I don't think that you understand that "differing views on marriage" is disgusting discrimination. You can pretty it up to make yourself feel better however you want to, but that's what it is and it deserves what it gets.
Agreed... and the fact that tkip will not connect the dots from the hateful actions described in Serbia to the hateful thoughts/beliefs of Ford and his ilk says something too.
That's why I get in your face. That's my motivation. And every time you make an outrageous remark, I'm going to be there to remind you otherwise.
So basically your stalking me?

Anti-gay discrimination is evil. It's not as evil as mass-murder ... but that doesn't mean we should turn a blind eye to those in society who are so utterly perverted that they choose to discriminate against some based on sexual preference!
Even if you think that Ford is merely uninformed and ignorant, you have to admit that his actions have emboldened people, who are truly homophobic and prejudicial, enough that they are openly expressing their hate and discrimination in public forums.

Don't you think that the duty of a mayor is to try to strengthen and unite a city and not divide it into warring factions? Should a mayor not look out for the best interest of all their citizens and not just the ones that fit into their own personal ideal?
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"We would like to eliminate them," said councillor Doug Ford. "We have had more complaints about the bike lanes on Jarvis than any other road in Toronto. Hundreds and hundreds of people.”

Well, I'm complaining about against the removal of bike lanes on Jarvis. I sent an e-mail to my councilor and to the mayor wanted the Jarvis bike lanes to stay. Wonder if the Ford brothers will listen to me, or will they only act upon e-mails, phone calls, mail, etc. that they want and ignore the rest?

The reason for saying the Ford brothers is because Rob seems to speak only through either his brother or some other spokesman. However, I feel I might be wasting my time corresponding with the mayor.
Well, I'm complaining about against the removal of bike lanes on Jarvis. I sent an e-mail to my councilor and to the mayor wanted the Jarvis bike lanes to stay. Wonder if the Ford brothers will listen to me, or will they only act upon e-mails, phone calls, mail, etc. that they want and ignore the rest?

The reason for saying the Ford brothers is because Rob seems to speak only through either his brother or some other spokesman. However, I feel I might be wasting my time corresponding with the mayor.

I myself have got easily 40 or 50 of my friends and neighbours to phone the Mayor's office to support keeping the Jarvis St. bike lanes and I'm only one person. If Council considers the phone call tally next week hopefully that will help influence the vote to keep the bike lanes in place.
I phoned yesterday, and got a very nice receptionist. I said that I was calling to vote for the Bike Lanes. She said that "that must be some kind of rumour going around", and that there wasn't any vote. She took my name, though, and I asked her if she could put down a checkmark or something to note my 'keep the lanes' position. She said she couldn't, but I could email, or try to call back and get the Mayor's voicemail.

I sent an email, instead, and got the usual robo-reply that ignored everything I said in my letter:

Thank you for your email regarding the bike lanes on Jarvis Street. I appreciate hearing from you.

Toronto's economy loses billions of dollars every year from gridlock and traffic congestion. We need to make the situation better - not worse. The Jarvis Street bike lanes experiment has been a failure. Ninety-four percent of commuters now face longer commutes on Jarvis Street. Over 15,000 commuters each day are suffering from longer travel times, for the sake of 600 additional cyclists.

The City should remove the bike lanes as soon as possible and improve travel times for thousands of daily commuters. City staff have been directed to develop a low-cost plan to do so. Bike lanes were never intended to be installed on Jarvis Street. The original Environmental Assessment recommended against installing bike lanes - but City Council amended the report to approve bike lanes anyway.

As promised during the mayoral election, I am dedicated to delivering customer service excellence, creating a transparent and accountable government, reducing the size and cost of government and building a transportation city.

Thank you again for taking the time to share your thoughts. Please feel free to contact my office again at any time.

Yours truly,

Mayor Rob Ford
City of Toronto
^^^ This this this this this.

This is a huge distinction that gets lost in the race to reduce everything to the I'm-right-you're-wrong-nana-nana-na-na talking-point nature of today's political discussions.

There is a massive difference between lying and changing one's mind.

Changing one's mind when the facts change is the pinnacle of rational thought.

I am absolutely no fan of McGuinty. Never voted for him. But he's no liar.

McGuinty's problem is not that he changes his mind.

It's that he changes his mind not when the facts induce an understandable desire to change policy, but only when the political whims of the moment become insurmountable to big-P politics.

And this results in him having to change policy rationales on a dime, often contradicting positions and purposes he and his party have been espousing equivocally for quite some time - e.g. sex ed, offshore wind, the eco-tax thing.

That's a lot of things but it ain't lying.

Sorry but Dalton lied. When you make promises to the public you know you can't keep then you aren't being honest. And this certainly applies to Ford as well. Dalton has a history as premiere of breaking promises and lying. The man has to go. He's such a weasel. It would nice if we could get someone into office that actually keeps their promises or just be honest with the voters.
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Sorry but Dalton lied. When you make promises to the public you know you can't keep then you aren't being honest. And this certainly applies to Ford as well. Dalton has a history as premiere of breaking promises and lying. The man has to go. He's such a weasel. It would nice if we could get someone into office that actually keeps their promises or just be honest with the voters.
I really don't see what McGuinty has to do with this ... however ...

We've made it clear that we are talking about pathological liars ... not lying about election promises. We're talking mental illness here ... not cold calculated mistruths ... like Hudak is doing (cut taxes, protect spending on Health and Education, and balance the budget??).

We're talking about the when confronted with a question that one doesn't want to answer, simplying blurting out a lie ... not something that has had any thought a head of time.

While all politicians might well be liars ... Rob Ford is a pathological liar - there's a big difference.
I really don't see what McGuinty has to do with this ... however ...

We've made it clear that we are talking about pathological liars ... not lying about election promises. We're talking mental illness here ... not cold calculated mistruths ... like Hudak is doing (cut taxes, protect spending on Health and Education, and balance the budget??).

We're talking about the when confronted with a question that one doesn't want to answer, simplying blurting out a lie ... not something that has had any thought a head of time.

While all politicians might well be liars ... Rob Ford is a pathological liar - there's a big difference.

Ah, ha. Caught you nfitz. You just tipped your hand that your hate of Ford isn't really about discrimination. It's about having a problem with conservatives. Can you spot your mistake?
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Ah, ha. Caught you nfitz. You just tipped your hand that your hate of Ford isn't really about discrimination.
It's about that fact that he is prejudiced against gays. It's about his pathological lying. It's about his untreated and admitted alcohol problem. It's about his extensive arrest record. It's about him not actually as far as I can tell being very intelligent.

But there's nothing new here ... I don't know why you are continuing your harassment. Simply because you disagree with me that one shouldn't discriminate against gays doesn't justify your continued badgering.
It's about that fact that he is prejudiced against gays. It's about his pathological lying. It's about his untreated and admitted alcohol problem. It's about his extensive arrest record. It's about him not actually as far as I can tell being very intelligent.

But there's nothing new here ... I don't know why you are continuing your harassment. Simply because you disagree with me that one shouldn't discriminate against gays doesn't justify your continued badgering.

Oh, nfitz, this neverending crusade to turn Ford into the devil has turned into such a comedy. A surreal, dark and weird comedy.

According to you, everything about Ford is bad and nasty. You bash and bash and then make up stuff to attribute to Ford and then bash some more. And when someone questions you on this relentless, vilifying of one man that seems so personal on your end, you get defensive and play the victim card. All the atrocities of the world pale compared to the evil that is Ford.

Your singular, obsessive drive to single this one man out, over and over again makes me question what's really going on regarding your hate for Ford.
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