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Remember he did stage that clumsy, ham-fisted photo-op when he rode the subway at midnight.

Right...I forgot about that. lol

Maybe I should rephrase....has anyone ever seen him on transit for the purpose of getting from one location to another?
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Except for rush hour most of Eglinton is free-flowing, with cars bouncing across lanes to race past others, as they do on all the Scarborough arterials. It's a horrible street to walk along, with the trucks and buses and cars exceeding the limit by 20km. However, it is backed up throughout the day, and on weekends (I often drove that stretch Saturday afternoons) starting at Birchmont until Victoria Park, where the Smart Centre is. Then once you pass Victoria Park it's a freeway until Laird. The main problem seems the terrible urban design around the shopping centres. Otherwise, traffic gets slow at rush hours. Transit isn't fun then either. Get accustomed to it or do your bit to minimize the problem by shifting your schedule, moving closer to work, or carpooling.

Advocates usually oversell the benefits of their plans. So yeah, traffic might become a little worse. The sweet life of unimpeded traffic flow that is the dream of the suburban Ford voter might be compromised. But the situation may improve for some others who don't live from their side door to their car to work to their car to their side door. All we know is that things will change. If things are going to change for the better, then the dominance of the personal vehicle needs some adjusting. At most times of the day and in most areas there is excess capacity on this street. It is an ugly inhospitable street, particularly around Walmart/Canadian Tire, that I think would be vastly improved by featuring higher order public transit.
So it's okay for John Parker to make a joke about Adam Vaughan's credibility suffering due to his wardrobe (orange pants, egads!), but nobody should dare note that Rob Ford's morbid obesity has implications re: judgement, lifestyle and mental health?
In this case, I don't think it was a lie. I think he's just completely ignorant about anything related to transit in this city, while remaining confident that he knows everything. Upthread when someone indicated Ford said he only takes transit a few times a year - that I'm sure is a lie. Has anyone seen him on transit..

Untruthful statements based on willful ignorance are still lies.
That's a good point, and something you won't see Ford mentioning. He'll talk about how above-ground will disrupt traffic, but below-ground will too -- Union Station, anyone?

Union is a good example, but I think the Sheppard subway with its "cut and cover" stations proves the point better.

The whole question was about Rob Ford being a bigot. My question was in response to your statement that "He's never said anything explicitly homophobic".

So you admit that you were wrong and he has said stuff that is explicitly homophobic, and that he is a bigot?

Sorry, I had missed your admission that you knowingly support a bigot.

“It is very preventable,†he spouted in his typically bombastic fashion. “If you are not doing needles and you are not gay, you wouldn’t get AIDS probably, that’s bottom line.†“These are the facts,†---

Homophobia manifests in different forms, and a number of different types have been postulated, among which are internalized homophobia, social homophobia, emotional homophobia, rationalized homophobia, and others.[20] There were also ideas to classify homophobia, racism, and sexism as an intolerant personality disorder.[21]
Homophobia has never been listed as part of a clinical taxonomy of phobias, neither in Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) or International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD); homophobia is usually used in a non-clinical sense.[22]
In 1992, the American Psychiatric Association, recognizing the power of the stigma against homosexuality, issued the following statement, reaffirmed by the Board of Trustees, July 2011: "Whereas homosexuality per se implies no impairment in judgment, stability, reliability, or general social or vocational capabilities, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) calls on all international health organizations, psychiatric organizations, and individual psychiatrists in other countries to urge the repeal in their own countries of legislation that penalizes homosexual acts by consenting adults in private. Further, APA calls on these organizations and individuals to do all that is possible to decrease the stigma related to homosexuality wherever and whenever it may occur."[23] ---

However, I think of Robbie as a heterophobe, his fear of anything different, and his projection of these fears are the root of spreading ignorance.

In this case, I don't think it was a lie. I think he's just completely ignorant about anything related to transit in this city, while remaining confident that he knows everything. Upthread when someone indicated Ford said he only takes transit a few times a year - that I'm sure is a lie. Has anyone seen him on transit... ever?

But it's a self imposed ignorance which makes it much more damaging, especially for a politician, and their particular level of government.
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True that - except that we really should take stock - was it a disaster? Did it kill of street life and businesses to the extent the doomsayers were predicting? Was it unsafe? And at 60M + 40M for sewers, electrical, etc - was it inefficient?

The whole question was about Rob Ford being a bigot. My question was in response to your statement that "He's never said anything explicitly homophobic".

So you admit that you were wrong and he has said stuff that is explicitly homophobic, and that he is a bigot?

Sorry, I had missed your admission that you knowingly support a bigot.

I already addressed the "traditional marriage" issue. I said that even though I fully support gay marriage, I don't think not supporting gay marriage necessairly makes someone a homophobe or bigot, especially years back, when the tide hadn't changed on the issue yet.
So it's okay for John Parker to make a joke about Adam Vaughan's credibility suffering due to his wardrobe (orange pants, egads!), but nobody should dare note that Rob Ford's morbid obesity has implications re: judgement, lifestyle and mental health?

I'm obese. Being fat does not in and of itself impair judgement and mental health. Lifestyle? That depends on the individual. I swim, work out with a personal trainer, walk, do yoga, public speaking, and am overall happy and healthy leading a "normal" social and professional life. On the inside, my vitals are bang on for a middle-aged woman.

I was out of town and offline while the latest subway debate played out. After watching some of the clips, I feel more empathic than enraged towards Rob Ford - which says a lot for a cappuccino-sipping-vegan caviar-suburban-socialist-elite like myself - because I can't help feel his handlers have mishandled him. It is apparent that whoever is pulling the puppet strings does not have Rob Ford's interest at mind.

The issue of concussions has been raised, with some dismissing it because Ford never played long enough or took a hard enough hit. Although Sidney Crosby/Blake Geoffrion injuries get the greatest attention, the greatest danger comes from cumulative damage. I suggest watching the documentary "Head Games" or reading the book "Concussed" for more info.

Some of Ford's actions remind me of my own when I've been rock-bottom riddled with anxiety and depression, so while I can slam him for policy and politics, those who encourage a person in that state to keep at it instead of taking time off and getting help are beneath my contempt.

Politics aside, Rob Ford needs to look after himself now, not the city.
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I already addressed the "traditional marriage" issue. I said that even though I fully support gay marriage, I don't think not supporting gay marriage necessairly makes someone a homophobe or bigot, especially years back, when the tide hadn't changed on the issue yet.

What exactly is this supposed to mean? Are you implying that because he might have been in line with public opinion a few years ago that makes him less of a bigot?
I already addressed the "traditional marriage" issue. I said that even though I fully support gay marriage, I don't think not supporting gay marriage necessairly makes someone a homophobe or bigot, especially years back, when the tide hadn't changed on the issue yet.

What you're saying is kind of like saying those who supported segregation in the 1930s weren't racist, just because it was a popular idea.

Just like with racism, discrimination based on sex orientation makes you homophobic. Period.
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