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Rob Ford "SNACK" Basket
Bloomex Reg Price: $80.00
YOU SAVE: $40.00
A Special CRACK SNACK Basket in honour of a very "special" man. This basket is chocked full of tasty munchies, an ideal treat to follow up a night out on the town of hard drinking, womanizing and partying.

The Rob Ford CRACK SNACK Basket contains 12 surefire cures for the midnight munchies, example: Pecan Chocolates, Chocolate Wafer Cookies, delicious Belgium Truffles, Fudge, Dark Chocolate, Large box of Chocolate Cookies, Roasted Almonds, French Dark Chocolate, Milk Chocolate, Chocolate Pastry Cookies and Premium Chocolate Cream Puffs.

Note: Only available for Tuesday - Friday delivery (sorry not available on weekends). Must be ordered one day in advance. Crack Pipe not included!

Gawd pattycakes, nice find. I wonder if it's selling?
The Ford Fiasco continues...Good interview with the Fords and NBC's Matt Lauer...

I don't know if the NBC interview has been posted yet, but here it is. By far the best interview I've seen so far. Wish we had reporters like this in Toronto


TM and Everyone: I saw the Matt Lauer (NBC) interview myself and he asked pertinent questions from both of the Ford Brothers
and I agree it was better then how CNN's Bill Weir was treated in yesterday's (11/18) CNN AC360 show segment:

After watching more news reports and mentions on this subject I want to compare the supporters of Ford Nation with those who
continued to support Washington,DC Marion Barry after the drug sting video was released catching him smoking crack back in
January 1990...It seems that both camps were lower income/working class and with the population of the District of Columbia being
predominantly black he was able to play the race card big time after this incident was made public and no doubt helped in his mid 90s

For those that did not previously see these: -and-

I found it interesting that Sun News killed Rob and Doug Ford's show after just one episode...Was this due to the
current allegations against Rob Ford and negative feedback towards the Sun Network?
Was this show planned before the recent RF allegations were made public?

I still say that the TPD still continues to hold the "trump card" in this matter: The video of Rob Ford's alleged use of crack cocaine
and if they do publicly release it I feel that the Ontario Government will finally have to step in and force at least his resignation...
With the Internet and services like YouTube today (compared to 1990) it will be everywhere fast...

This hot subject still amazes me - almost 100 pages of posts for just the last two days - and we all wonder where this is going to
lead and how much more will the Ford Brothers subject Toronto and its citizens to?

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Body mass doesn't work that way when it's so much adipose tissue. He's not Andre the Giant.

Chugging a mickey at his height would easily put him at .15 within 15 minutes.

Anyone who can drink an entire Mickey in 1.5 minutes and then actually make it home while driving, let alone not get alcohol poisoning, is someone with a HUGE tolerance for alcohol. Not an irregular, once in awhile binge drinker.
Well that's not quite accurate. They said that their sources in the community were adamant that it was a gang-related, random encounter, and it appears the Crown and defense lawyers agreed. But they also acknowledged that the police believed Smith's cell phone was possibly stolen (odd for a murder) and that someone called Twohey to tip him off that the Smith murder was related to the crack video.

Still, evidence on the surface looks stacked against the "Ford killed Smith" people.

Oops - missed that part had to go back and re-read it.

I've never been able to make the leap that Ford ordered a hit on Smith to get the phone back. Oddly, with all the things Ford has lied or denied lately, I think I believe what he said yesterday in council, that he only had met those guys in the photo once. That's when he got the most agitiated and high pitched, and he became forceful and unequivocal, not evasive. With all his lies, cover ups and semantic games he's having to remember his story (oh, what a tangled web we weave) but on this one particular detail he has clear recall, and now he gets angry because he really is telling the truth and people aren't believing it.
I have to add; Out of all the antics he's, hmm, performed over the last couple months (i.e. the drugs / swearing ...) the mocking of drunk driving during the council meeting was unbelievably low of him ... so much so if folks bring this up next election I bet this will serve to sway folks even in the groups above ... the rest of his antics are just entertaining

+1! Unbelievable level of hubris. I'd say the intimidation of the crowd could also serve him poorly, though, if edited properly.
Anyone who can drink an entire Mickey in 1.5 minutes and then actually make it home while driving, let alone not get alcohol poisoning, is someone with a HUGE tolerance for alcohol. Not an irregular, once in awhile binge drinker.
Agreed, he's a chronic Jim Lahey style morning drunk. He would still blow way over with 13 ounces of vodak in him though.
Oops - missed that part had to go back and re-read it.

I've never been able to make the leap that Ford ordered a hit on Smith to get the phone back. Oddly, with all the things Ford has lied or denied lately, I think I believe what he said yesterday in council, that he only had met those guys in the photo once. That's when he got the most agitiated and high pitched, and he became forceful and unequivocal, not evasive. With all his lies, cover ups and semantic games he's having to remember his story (oh, what a tangled web we weave) but on this one particular detail he has clear recall, and now he gets angry because he really is telling the truth and people aren't believing it.

Not sure if Ford is telling the complete truth, but agree that he likely had nothing to do with Smith murder.

I'll post this again because it went down like a lead balloon but I think it's really important. There is NO WAY either Hashimi or Hanad will testify that Ford or Lisi asked them to kill Smith.

The theory among the conspiracy theorists goes that Hashimi gets a plea deal, presumably because he'll confess that he helped murder Smith on orders from Lisi or whatever, right?

Which wouldn't even make it to a court room because both the Crown and defense already agreed that the manslaughter scenario was accurate and that case is closed. It's glaringly, stupidly obvious.
Oops - missed that part had to go back and re-read it.

I've never been able to make the leap that Ford ordered a hit on Smith to get the phone back. Oddly, with all the things Ford has lied or denied lately, I think I believe what he said yesterday in council, that he only had met those guys in the photo once. That's when he got the most agitiated and high pitched, and he became forceful and unequivocal, not evasive. With all his lies, cover ups and semantic games he's having to remember his story (oh, what a tangled web we weave) but on this one particular detail he has clear recall, and now he gets angry because he really is telling the truth and people aren't believing it.

You don't have to believe any of that stuff. The worst case scenario is that Smith had the video on his phone and there was discussion among the gang members about its value, and a disagreement followed. The disagreement escalated into an armed confrontation, Smith was shot, and the phone taken. This information fed back to Towhey and a cover-up operation was launched spearheaded by Price and Lisi and with Ford's knowledge.

I'm certainly not saying that's how it happened but it's a credible scenario that puts Ford squarely in the frame for conspiracy obstruct justice and possibly conspiracy extortion. It accords with the known facts and doesn't add anyone into the equation who isn't already there.
For clarity to our customers – we won’t be advertising on Ford Nation and are asking our manufacturers to not use our logos on the show.

The toxicity levels are just ridiculous.

What's next...barred from Tim Hortons.
The escort/hooker/prostitute thing is unfortunate and the least of Ford's transgressions, but I think it might be the straw that will break the camel's back with Ford nation.

Ford's supporters are, surprisingly, relatively equally represented among the sexes. I think that many Fordites may be willing to overlook the crack pike because it's so outlandish and unrelatable. How many white, suburban voters in Richview even know what a crack pipe looks like? However, if you spin it as "Rob Ford, the man who hires escorts and emotionally cheats on his wife"...well, being cheated on or being left for a more attractive woman is something that a lot of middle aged Ford Nation women can relate to. Throw that in, and remind women about the pussy comment and him pushing over Pam McConnell (don't even mention who Pam McConnell is, just the image of a white, elderly woman being pushed over by a brute will do), and you can effectively kiss half of Ford Nation goodbye.

It's a bit like nailing Al Capone on tax evasion, but you gotta use the tools you find in your toolbox.
York has a long and glorious tradition of hot girls attending there "working their way" through their degress in, *ahem*, creative ways. I was actually asked once by two girls very similar to the ones linked to here how to obtain a burlesque licence in both the City of Toronto *and* Vaughan. It was, needless to say, a highlight of my reference librarian career. And yes, they were grateful for my assistance...

I do have my occasional ponderings of whether Doug Ford's girls are the sort who'd set up some sexy-something-or-another enterprise--emphasis, of course, upon "enterprise", no different from Daddikins' hash empire...
An article I read (in the national Post, I believe) pointed out that with his last driver is being charged with extortion, his new driver taking pictures of those people is particularly unnerving. Good point.
If CT is allowed to dictate where and when their logo is to be used, then infringement of that constitutes unauthorized use.

You don't know what you're talking about. They could authorize their logo to be used in a spot (in a wide-reaching agreement, e.g. you can use our logo at a certain size in ANY advertising you do in Canada), no one at CT would be authorizing every single one. Furthermore it's unlikely anyone specifically targeted their ad to run JUST during Ford Nation, SunTV is too small, they'd just sell ads for all their shows at once.
That's the thing. CT likely didn't dictate specifically when and during what show their logo was to be used on. For many of these smaller stations, advertisers basically pay to have their advertising on during a certain time block (eg. Sunday between 5 PM and 7 PM). What show will be on at the time is completely unknown to them. So unless CT said specifically that they didn't want advertising on Ford Nation, then there wouldn't be any infringement.

Fair point, but in my experience (20 years in graphic design and marketing), companies the size of CT hold a lot of away over where and when their endorsements and logos are to be used. Given the nature of the content and hosts, I'd be very surprised if it was sold as part of a block. SNN's ad guys would have been out pushing the hell out of this. When you know you have a guaranteed ratings draw, you don't sell ads in bulk. My guess is, the ad time was bought by Rockwell on short notice without first checking with CT legal and branding depts.
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