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I agree - the presence of the Fords and their 'nation' make Toronto almost insufferable.

Agreed, and I grew up here.I feel as I should fight these (please excuse me, c-words) in any way possible. Which I have done in the only ways that I can. And if they should come to power again..... sad days when I leave my beloved homeland.
I don't believe the radio station in Washington has anything to worry about, suing them in the US would be difficult and expensive; it's not worth it. This is really about Ford, but they had to go after Zoomer too.

Don't feel sorry for Dale, he's a big boy and he knows what he's in for (a big win with Ford, including in an appeal). He only decided to sue with the support of The Star behind him because Ford went on about it a second time, after already refusing to apologize (standing by his words).

In my observations, the reporters (in general) covering City Hall started off like scared rabbits back in May but have become more and more aggressive with Ford, but still not aggressive (or critical) enough. Perhaps that's my bias.

Welcome aboard EagleEye!
No link. Don't think any media will cover this. Without any connection to Sandro or Ford it's just a depressed girl leaving town. Must happen every day!

Well, how did you hear about this? There IS a missing-person alert for Jaclyn Dawe after all, and I have not heard that it's been lifted by the TPS.

Or are you just speculating that she left the country for Asia, coincidently leaving her abandoned car in front of 51 Benway Drive?
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He's also never suffered a single consequence for any of the rotten shit he's pulled, including his previous court cases. I'm not surprised Mayor Cartman is going for his usual strategy here, i.e. brazening the whole thing out. I have every confidence he thinks he's going to skate on this, and why not? He has every other time.

But this has a different feel to it. I can't see how any reasonably impartial judge and/or jury is going to take Ford's side here, and I can't wait to see the look on his repulsive fat face when the court rules against him. The ensuing temper tantrum should be one for the ages.

Yes. I feel the same way. (Except that I would feel the same way if RoFo had a somewhat lean, attractive face and the key player in taking him down were even heavier and more unhealthy-looking than RoFo actually is. I'm over 50 years old, over 6 feet tall and under 180 pounds, but acutely aware that that's much more a matter of genetics and subconscious instinct than it is due to conscious virtue.)

So far I can attribute the whole RoFo phenomenon to the kinds of things that coincide to create a horrific transportation accident. (Bad luck about the garbage strike, bad luck that opposing mayoral candidates were weak, bad luck that Harper et al seemed more or less competent in 2010, all of that crap and more had to happen at the same time to get Ford elected.) But if a judge or jury (not sure who would decide this libel case) finds that RoFo is semi-credible, or that he's not credible but the damage he did to Daniel Dale is no big deal, I will seriously question my faith that Toronto and Ontario are usually decent and fair. For the same reason, I'd be really ill if RoFo ran for reelection and got more than about 15% of the vote.
Tonight Rob decided to get right with the Lord at the West Toronto Church of God.

Oh, man, that is profoundly terrible. Happy guy dancing around while people sing "all the glory, all the praise".

I don't believe in higher powers, because if they existed, so many good people would have suffered less than they did.

But if you're thinking they do exist, you'd best reflect on all you've done before showing up in church as some kind of celebrant. Go into a dark and private place, confess your sins, think about the amends you need to make, make them, and then, if you truly think, like Scrooge at the end of his story, you've flushed everything bad out of yourself forever, get up there and dance like an innocent kid.
No link. Don't think any media will cover this. Without any connection to Sandro or Ford it's just a depressed girl leaving town. Must happen every day!

Come on. Even if it suggests there was no link to Ford or Lisi, it's still news! Missing person turns out to be alive - that's a human interest story in itself: you'd have her parents being immensely relieved and the police could withdraw the missing person alert.

I don't think it really happens every day.

If you can't cite a source, how do you know?
Just to rant a little more about Rob Ford in church, there's this ...

... in which the money quote is, “He said he just got up and he felt sort of like he was born again,†reports Doug. “He said ‘I’m not a religious person but it just came clear to me’ it was time.’’

If Rob calls a presser tomorrow to say he's found God, is planning to apologize for real (not just "sincerely, sincerely, sincerely") to every innocent person he's bullied and/or maligned, then actually carries out the plan, I will feel bad about the sour criticism I am making here.

I'm pretty confident that won't happen.
Go into a dark and private place, confess your sins, think about the amends you need to make, make them, and then, if you truly think, like Scrooge at the end of his story, you've flushed everything bad out of yourself forever, get up there and dance like an innocent kid.

Not how all Christians think, sadly. I have no idea about this particular church, but I know plenty of highly religious Christians who use "Christian" as a synonym for "good." "No need to check that guy's references, he's Christian." "She's Christian, so I'll believe what she tells me and not my lying eyes." "Oh, he did some bad things last week, but he's a Christian now so we know it'll never happen again." Lots of ex-fundie bloggers write about this dynamic and how it allows authority figures to get away with pretty much anything.

Rob Ford doesn't believe he has anything to atone for anyway, but if he did -- he likely thinks going to the church service and dancing like an innocent kid IS the atonement. And he has plenty of company in the churchgoing world.
Not how all Christians think, sadly. I have no idea about this particular church, but I know plenty of highly religious Christians who use "Christian" as a synonym for "good." "No need to check that guy's references, he's Christian." "She's Christian, so I'll believe what she tells me and not my lying eyes." "Oh, he did some bad things last week, but he's a Christian now so we know it'll never happen again." Lots of ex-fundie bloggers write about this dynamic and how it allows authority figures to get away with pretty much anything.

Rob Ford doesn't believe he has anything to atone for anyway, but if he did -- he likely thinks going to the church service and dancing like an innocent kid IS the atonement. And he has plenty of company in the churchgoing world.

Ah, you're too right. I was just venting about the insult Rob made to the well-informed faithful, the agnostics, and the atheists alike.
I don't believe in higher powers, because if they existed, so many good people would have suffered less than they did.

This is the mistake atheists make all the time when arguing that God doesn't exist. Who says God must meet our expectations of what is right and fair? Suffering is a byproduct of a sinful world, and unfortunately innocent people can be affected; for what reason, none of us know. Your claim that God can't exist because good people suffer, is a weak argument; that is such a black and white conclusion. What I find interesting are people that expect God to help them when they ask Him for something, yet they ignore Him when things are going well in their lives. Why should God answer to those that only seek Him when they want something that will benefit their lives?
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