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Looks like Sarah Doucette stepped into it -- late! -- with the 3030 story: Rob Ford was at bar 3030 Dundas St. W (Ward 13) into the wee hours of this Thursday. Witnesses said he was very drunk. Drove himself home.

Odd how one person showed up at the Sun and insisted repeatedly that Ford was drunk. We have the 3030 bartender saying that Ford was there but apparently not drinking while he was there.

Am I too paranoid, or was this a setup?

Does it even matter if he was drunk? It's not like TPS would stop him and demand he blow into a breathalyzer because of his erratic driving or something, heavens no. His worship is well within his rights to careen all over our highways in a drunken stupor apparently.
The source tweet that has since been deleted:



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If I were Rob Ford I would be pinching myself really hard every few minutes to make sure the approval ratings weren't a hallucination of my intoxicated mind. Consider everything that he has done and he has a 45% approval rating. Let that sink in for a minute. Forty. Five. Percent. Rob Ford is utterly unassailable and he's probably encouraging other wingnuts to be as hyper-partisan and reckless as he is knowing the public will just lap it up. The media still refers to him as The Mayor and interviews him rather than shun him. City council didn't even see it as necessary to demand that Wynne remove him from office, only demurely ask that some of his powers be transferred to Norm Kelly. Meanwhile councillors like Frances Nunziata dances with him in council chambers. The Conservatives got their majority in 2011 and made major inroads in Toronto after having been found in contempt of Parliament, the first government in the Commonwealth to do so. Maybe Torontonians are idiots.

The 45% is a total of definitely/probably/somewhat approve, right? Or would definitely/probably vote for him?
In the Western world we don't have these issues. People don't feel disenfranchised and it's a scandal when they do. Institutionalized racism is fringe and unacceptable. America has a black president, various people of different races are well-represented in powerful positions. Women have equal opportunities and are even slightly over-represented in higher education now. We struggle with minutia like differences in pay on average, but people don't deny these problems and they're talked about openly. So, we are able to focus our attention on the marginalized few remaining in society, at least those who had no agency over that which made them marginalized. So LGBT rights is now important for us, and we expect it to be important, and we expect our leaders to believe that it is important.

While we're certainly better about these things than Russia, your privledge is literally oozing out of my computer monitor and onto my keyboard. "People don't feel disenfranchised and it's a scandal when they do." Riiight.
Now, Russia. Russia *was* all of these things. Russia is a lot more homogenous than America, Canada, UK, etc but racism isn't that huge. People of different races are seen as a curiosity, but not despised, at least not in my experience. Women have equal rights as men, and hold positions of power. There are still issues for feminists to work on in Russia, but the expectation is that the country has reached the stage where they can finally embrace that final 10%. And what do they do? They take a huge step backwards. They *codify* discrimination instead of outlawing it. The lawmakers themselves say, "You'll be OK if you keep a low profile!"

I am intimately familiar with Russian culture. Outside of Moscow and Peter it is very homophobic, and certainly there is no shortage of it in the cities. But internationally we *expected* Russia to move forward, but they moved quickly backward, and now they have the world stage.

So this is why we don't care as much about human rights in Saudi right now as in Russia. We expected more. At least in Saudi women can vote and run for office now, so they are taking steps forward. It's the step back that hurts, and of course it hurts those affected more.

Racism isn't that huge in Russia? :rolleyes: I guess the US State Department puts this on their travel advisory for Russia for the hell of it then?

CRIME: Incidents of unprovoked, violent harassment against racial and ethnic minorities regularly occur throughout the Russian Federation. The U.S. Embassy Moscow and Consulates General continue to receive reports of U.S. citizens victimized in violent attacks by "skinheads" or other extremists. Travelers are urged to exercise caution in areas frequented by such individuals and wherever large crowds have gathered. U.S. citizens most at risk are those of African, South Asian, or East Asian descent, or those who, because of their complexion, are perceived to be from the Caucasus region or the Middle East.

Or from DFAIT in Ottawa: Crime against foreigners is a serious problem. Harassment and attacks are prevalent, especially for foreigners of Asian and African descent. Some victims have died

But as far as gay rights go it's strange that a group like Queers Against Israeli Apartheid exists in the first place. I'll leave it at that.
While we're certainly better about these things than Russia, your privledge is literally oozing out of my computer monitor and onto my keyboard. "People don't feel disenfranchised and it's a scandal when they do." Riiight.

Wasn't it a major issue in the US when certain states tried to prevent people without IDs from voting in the federal election, to "combat voter fraud"? It was analyzed from every angle by every news outlet. Studies were done about the frequency of voter fraud, those numbers were compared to how unjustly the laws would affect minorities and the poor. The public was made aware of all of this - at least, if they were willing to listen, I certainly heard all the arguments and I'm not even American.

Compare something like that, a little trick they tried to pull to frustrate minority voters to straight up saying "women can't vote". That's what I mean about people feeling disenfranchised. Or what, you feel you can't go vote?

But yeah, I should 'check my privilege'. God I hate that word.
Racism isn't that huge in Russia? :rolleyes: I guess the US State Department puts this on their travel advisory for Russia for the hell of it then?

Rolleyes all you want. Skinhead gangs are a problem in Russia but they don't make the laws and they don't represent the majority. We've had some violent scuffles with First Nations in Canada ourselves, haven't we? Culturally, Russians can be distrustful of outsiders (same as Japan) but it's not about race. Learn the language and act like a Russian and no one cares what colour you are. There are definitely strides to be made, but again, it's nowhere near as bad as treating your foreign workers as de-facto slaves. I am talking about extremes here, after all. We haven't quite solved race violence here either.
Wasn't it a major issue in the US when certain states tried to prevent people without IDs from voting in the federal election, to "combat voter fraud"? It was analyzed from every angle by every news outlet. Studies were done about the frequency of voter fraud, those numbers were compared to how unjustly the laws would affect minorities and the poor. The public was made aware of all of this - at least, if they were willing to listen, I certainly heard all the arguments and I'm not even American.

Compare something like that, a little trick they tried to pull to frustrate minority voters to straight up saying "women can't vote". That's what I mean about people feeling disenfranchised. Or what, you feel you can't go vote?

But yeah, I should 'check my privilege'. God I hate that word.

This isn't the right forum for this, but the "Fair Elections Act" is full of the same shit the Republicans were pulling... FFS
I'm beginning to wonder if Rob Ford is not dissimilar to Zaphod from HHGTTG...
'He was also briefly President of the Galaxy. His responsibility in that position was to draw attention away from the true rulers of the universe. To that end, Zaphod and his outrageous behavior were highly successful.'
And all of this is distraction from some of the really scary things going on in the bigger picture (Hudak's "Right-to-Work" plan [see Wisconsin, for how well that works] and the Feds election act mentioned above)
Heads up for our LGBT communities. Seems like the Ford brothers have their official scapegoat for their craptastic 2014 campaign...

No kidding. Hiding behind the flag, promoting hatred of a minority, maintain the Big Lie. These guys are remarkably expert propagandists.

I know people are going to say "Godwin's Law" but some people really do deserve to be compared to Hitler. So much so that I've drafted a campaign poster for them. Here you go, Rob.



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Doucette is now saying it was a re-tweet. Looks like she jumped the gun. Everything that is going on at City Hall today just stinks of diversion by Ford. The cops, unfortunately, wouldn't comment when they left, however I agree with the person upthread that said Ford posing for pics while the cops were there is not the behaviour of a person who is receiving threats to himself and his family.

Was he posing for pics WITH the cops?
Hmm...the cops were at CH for two different calls.

Jamie Strashin ‏@StrashinCBC
Police confirming they were at City Hall today on 2 different calls. A theft and a report of a threat against Mayor Ford and his family.
Some I've spoken with think today's threat again Ford is staged to distract from the Star's story coming tomorrow about him being wasted on his B.C. trip. I wouldn't put it past them to stage something like this!

I really question how Ford thought that the optics of having uniformed officers come to his office was acceptable for a man in his predicament, or how his staffers allowed it. Either it was a stage show or his bubble of delusion is thicker than I ever imagined.

This man must get threats through various means every single day. Anonymous phone calls, letters and emails are not hard to send. Why *would* he choose to single out this one? It's strange. Very strange.
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