That's a slippery slope, and frankly not very true. The average person is not a moron. Most are reasoned and intelligent. It is personal biases and upbringing that created who we are, and what political choices me make.
Saying the average person is a moron creates a delineation of superiority. "We're smarter than everyone else" is the type of thinking that drives dictatorships and genocides, if enough people believe it to be true.
For every die-hard Neill Flagg, there are a hundred reasoned people who support Ford. Not because they're morons, but because his past "constituency work" swayed their opinion, or maybe they just don't know enough of the facts, or maybe they just support the man out of spite of the pretentiousness of comments like yours.
I am no Ford supporter. I hate the man with the heat of a thousand exploding stars. And even I make fun of dumb comments made by the die-hards. But damn, stating "the average person is a moron" is so far removed from reality (and compassion, and reason) that even I cringed at the blatant ignorance of it.