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Since people were talking about crack vs. coke before and looking for personal experiences... well, I've done both,

The highs are similar but vary in intensity. In a word, cocaine is "gentler". You come up slower and come down slower. They both have this quality to them that leaves you wanting more, regardless of if it's a bad idea, but it's worse with crack. People who are really "coked up" on either drug get really annoying, but if you're high too you don't care.

I guess the main difference is that cocaine is something you can use while you are doing something else - at a party, at a festival, etc. Doing crack *is* the activity, since it's so short-lived and everyone always wants more. It also "feels" dirty, like it makes your mouth feel weird and the smoke has a very bizarre taste to it, whereas the numbing effect that cocaine has on your nose makes the act of insufflating it feel sort of nice.

Anyhow, I recommend trying everything once just to know how it is. I don't recommend paying for either though, shit's expensive, just have high people offer it to you. ;-)
Doing crack *is* the activity, since it's so short-lived
So I suppose it's possible then to do crack, get high, come down and then drive home safely, correct? Maybe that's what happened at Steak Queen. Ford smokes crack at some point, does his Jamaican Patois thing, comes off the drug then drives home. That could be why he was reluctant to tell the media that he drove home that night because most people think he was drunk?
The highs are similar but vary in intensity. In a word, cocaine is "gentler". You come up slower and come down slower. They both have this quality to them that leaves you wanting more, regardless of if it's a bad idea, but it's worse with crack. People who are really "coked up" on either drug get really annoying

I've done neither - not a moral judgement, but a simple wish to avoid what I see as the obvious downsides of doing these things. However, I have in my time been around people who were on one or the other.

There are few things more irritating than a small group of people at a party who have gone off oh-so-secretly and subtly to do some coke ("shh! don't let them know what's up, they'll want some!"), run out of coke and are now loudly and cheerfully shouting at each other: "So let's get some more, yeah?" "Yeah! Let's get some more!" and boring the pants off of everyone else. They think nothing of calling anyone who they think can get them more, even if it's 5am and the recipient of the call is likely to be asleep (I wonder when Lisi sleeps?) because "more, yeah?" "yeah!". They also tell the same stories over and over again, and won't shut the hell up. Even people whose company I normally enjoy become fairly insufferable on powder cocaine, although these days I tend to run with a gentler set of people so this isn't something I've had to put up with in years.

As for crack: as euler said, nothing else happens while that's going on. First time I encountered this delightful habit up close: I remember being slumped on a couch, drunk at a party at some friend of a friend's apartment and suddenly wondering: "what the hell is that awful smell? something burning in the kitchen?" Nope - just the dude next to me hitting the pipe. That experience was quite an eye-opener to this fairly sheltered human being.

I would be absolutely shocked if the Rob Ford death threat rant video was not fuelled by cocaine in some form, and most likely booze too. When someone (e.g. a Mayor?) has their mother saying on TV that she has tried to get him to fit a breathalyzer to the ignition on his car, I generally assume he's an alcoholic who is drunk at all times unless proven otherwise.
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So I suppose it's possible then to do crack, get high, come down and then drive home safely, correct?

Technically possible? Sure, why not? However, I doubt a doctor would recommend it, nor the police, nor anyone who has to share the road with that person.

I'm sure people drive after smoking crack & coming down every day in this city, but I bet they are way more likely to cause serious injury or death to themselves and/or other people.
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So I suppose it's possible then to do crack, get high, come down and then drive home safely, correct? Maybe that's what happened at Steak Queen. Ford smokes crack at some point, does his Jamaican Patois thing, comes off the drug then drives home. That could be why he was reluctant to tell the media that he drove home that night because most people think he was drunk?

I honestly thought the Steak Queen video was Ford on some form of opiate. Murder rant looked like crack to me.

Interesting point from Crazy Town that hasn't really been brought up - in the chapter detailing an audio recording of Renata, the guy talking to her gives her advice on methadone clinics. This would imply that Ford is addicted to heavy opiates like heroin or oxy (unless the advice was to Renata instead of Ford, but I didn't get that impression).

I've often wondered if the Doneit-Henderson recorded OxyContin call was a setup by someone who knew that Ford was on Oxy - hoping they could get him to admit on tape that he used it and/or knew where to get it? Crazy Town also mentioned that Donovan was already working on following up on rumors that Ford was using hard drugs, even before the crack video. Likewise the Sarah Thompson incident - it seemed oddly specific for her to say that she looked up the behavior of someone on cocaine and Ford's behavior matched it. I've been thinking that she had heard the rumors and was looking for a way to get it out in the open for the public to contemplate.
I honestly thought the murder rant video was some kind of cocaine or some other upper too. Ford gets angry but he's usually pretty shy, he gets angry in weird ways. Some people get coked up and turn into megalomaniacs, overly animated ones. It's really hard to judge what someone has been taking from just a video, but that's what it looked like to me.

Dunno what the fuck he was on at Steak Queen. If he was drunk to that level as an alcoholic I'm amazed he managed to drive anywhere. Alcoholics tend to appear quite sober until they pass a very thin line and they black out and act pretty crazy. I wonder if Rob remembers that night? There are a lot of drugs that make you appear drunk, though. Low doses of ketamine, GHB, benzos. All widely available and hugely popular in Toronto.
I honestly thought the Steak Queen video was Ford on some form of opiate. Murder rant looked like crack to me.

Interesting point from Crazy Town that hasn't really been brought up - in the chapter detailing an audio recording of Renata, the guy talking to her gives her advice on methadone clinics. This would imply that Ford is addicted to heavy opiates like heroin or oxy (unless the advice was to Renata instead of Ford, but I didn't get that impression).

I've often wondered if the Doneit-Henderson recorded OxyContin call was a setup by someone who knew that Ford was on Oxy - hoping they could get him to admit on tape that he used it and/or knew where to get it? Crazy Town also mentioned that Donovan was already working on following up on rumors that Ford was using hard drugs, even before the crack video. Likewise the Sarah Thompson incident - it seemed oddly specific for her to say that she looked up the behavior of someone on cocaine and Ford's behavior matched it. I've been thinking that she had heard the rumors and was looking for a way to get it out in the open for the public to contemplate.

I have heard someone say that Ford is a heavy oxy addict and has been for years. I do not know if this is true, but this person claimed to have a good source.
I have heard someone say that Ford is a heavy oxy addict and has been for years. I do not know if this is true, but this person claimed to have a good source.

hard liquor, coke, crack, obesity...I am a relatively healthy person of normal weight and I think I'd be dead with all the stuff this man is supposedly throwing into his body (and add possible hezza/heroin).
I've often wondered if the Doneit-Henderson recorded OxyContin call was a setup by someone who knew that Ford was on Oxy - hoping they could get him to admit on tape that he used it and/or knew where to get it?
You can listen to the entire phone call here, it's almost an hour long: The conversation doesn't start until a little less than 4 minutes in.
It seems the guy (DieterDH) discussed the call here:
edit: well, that was an hour I'll never get back.
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