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ddale8 1:37pm via Twitter Web Client
Doug Ford: "This is a curable disease. This is a curable disease, by the way." Rob Ford has insisted that he'll have it his whole life.

Rob Ford has went full Eric Cartman. There was an episode when Cartman found out that obese people in scooters were disabled and were able to get in front of the line. Which of course makes Cartman think "That is awesome I can eat all I want, and just sit in a scooter and get special front of the line treatment. Sign me up. I could be disabled and have that disease as well.

By the way, if there is any doubt what a piece of trash Doug is. He fully promotes Rob Ford has a disease yet still pushes him for the high pressure job of being Mayor. Rob is horrible but wow Doug is out of this planet.

Can we please stop acting like having an alcohol problem means you will hang out with drug dealers at your spare time. When he says "People have alcohol problems" and love a follow up and say NAME ONE politician who had alcohol problems and ended up hanging out at a crack house and trying every drug under the sun. It doesn't happen unless you are involved heavily in the drug culture.

So clue me in, what's the "indoctrinated" thing everybody talking about. What does that mean? I know what it means, but indoctrinated in what?
ARGH! That man makes me want to punch him!
The same guy who swore he'd never seen DoFo take a drink, then was seen driving a barely-able-to-walk RoFo from city hall. The same guy who suggested a guy who repeatedly got drunk in public only had to limit his pops to the basement.

You know, even if RoFo genuinely wanted to get better, it will never happen with a guy like Thug in his life.

I guess now we just have to sit and wait for the Apocarelapse to be upon us.
Rob Ford has went full Eric Cartman. There was an episode when Cartman found out that obese people in scooters were disabled and were able to get in front of the line. Which of course makes Cartman think "That is awesome I can eat all I want, and just sit in a scooter and get special front of the line treatment. Sign me up. I could be disabled and have that disease as well.

The saga today is basically the episode of South Park where Randy gets help for his alcoholism.

I guess now we just have to sit and wait for the Apocarelapse to be upon us.
Just listened to the CP24 interview, he was at Greenstone and learned the talking points, that's all. He hasn't the intelligence to spout anything but what he heard there. After this round of interviews, I wouldn't be surprised to see him withdraw. His pride won't be able to take the constant barrage of questions about his shitty behaviour. He's not used to being called to account. Poor Rob.
Disappointed that they didn't get into any of the Deco corruption. That should be the focus right now, not this Rocky III bs.

1. Deco corruption, Dave Price and his salary, use of staffers for personal errands and football, his three hour work days, as an argument claims of having stopped the 'gravy train'.

2. Ties to criminal activity, including Anthony Smith, and refusal to talk to police.

3. Contrast his take-no-excuses response to city employees' (Gary Webster, TCHC, lower level workers with their heads down, unionized public employees in general) with his pleas for understanding for himself.

Ignore his weight, his health, his family, his substance abuse.
Just listened to the CP24 interview, he was at Greenstone and learned the talking points, that's all. He hasn't the intelligence to spout anything but what he heard there. After this round of interviews, I wouldn't be surprised to see him withdraw. His pride won't be able to take the constant barrage of questions about his shitty behaviour. He's not used to being called to account. Poor Rob.
It will take more than today's interviews. The man is that stubborn. Plus being mayor seems to be the only thing that makes him happy.

I expect that there won't be any more interviews, or at least not without very careful vetting and probably nothing live. Although after today's bit of a breakthrough with tougher questions than we have seen, maybe the media will start getting braver and pushing a bit harder. The comment sections are pretty strongly in favour of Jogger Joe for asking some of the questions that media have been too polite to ask. Perhaps we'll get a groundswell of collective anger, which would be a good thing. Enough with the polite Canadian treatment already!
Seeing people like the shirtless jogger and others react to RoFo at various Canada Day festivities yesterday gives me hope that this city is finally sick of RoFo's lying, his racist comments, his homophobia, his ego-driven quest for self-validation through office of the mayor at the expense of the city of Toronto. I'm glad people are finally outraged enough to start shouting in the streets about it.

His responses to the interviewers today were ridiculous and I hope that everywhere he goes from now on he will be met with average citizens demanding answers from him.

His new sound bites of "it's a disease", "I didn't drink today and I didn't drink yesterday" really do not offer any of us any consolation, he's using it as an excuse ("the past is the past" BS) and is still clearly not in control of his life. It's the same old rhetoric. He is not telling us what he's doing now that he is out of "rehab" to maintain his "sobriety" (leg presses do not count!) and why anyone should give any more chances to him. Not that I want to hear it. Even when he was asked about whether or not he would be attending next year's Pride parade he couldn't give an answer. News flash Rob, as mayor of Toronto, you're mayor to everyone, not just your rag tag group of misfits, miscreants, and idiots known as Ford Nation.

I hope it gets even more uncomfortable for him out there on the campaign trail for him, and also that it brings out more people who will actually be a positive force in Toronto to finally lead us away from this imbecile.

Can it be Oct. 27th already? Ugh.
Speaking of gravy...

Shelley Carroll @shelleycarroll · 4m

InvestTO ate expenses in Austin & Chicago so the Mayor cld attempt to bury how big a posse he travels with.


I am not one to brag (wait a second of course I am lol) but I did write at 1 pm "A little birdie told me that the show might be on the other foot concerning travel expenses.

First off. Dammit my spelling sucks, my first scoop and i screw up on the phrase. Shoe on the other foot SHOE! Secondly those travel expenses are in the past so it doesn't matter.

3 Questions i would ask, first. Ford you are in politics for well over a decade and with that power in politics you consistently voted for tough on drugs and crime. 1. Why should you get multiple chances that while you were in power never gave to the citizen you represent. 2 Name one other credible politician who kept his job by being an alcoholic and trying every drug under the sun. 3 You called everybody who said you were involved with drugs liars and went as far as telling them to "take you to court". If they took you up on that would you have committed perjury in court.

By the way, awesome video marcanadian. Even better than my Cartman/Scooter comparison. That is LITERALLY what Ford is doing. What a total joke. That clip needs to go viral with the Fords "disease" comments.
i also got the impression (you know, from TV and books and stuff) that people in recovery can speak about the moment they hit rock bottom and/or decided to enter rehab. I thought it surprising Ford had no clue when he decided to go (though I also presume it's really because Doug told him the Globe/Sun stories were coming and it was time to finally execute their long-in-the-works rehab & recovery plan.)

He told Drummond at the beginning that he went because of the picture of him smoking crack, ie because he got caught.
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