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Well, clueless enough not to figure out that:

a) The waterfront exists east of Yonge
b) the place named "sugar beach" might just be near the giant *sugar refinery* that's been contributing to Toronto's economy for over 60 years.

c) right next to Corus Quay, i.e. ground zero for AM 640. Y'know, John Oakley and all--where broadcast Ford cheerleading had its start...
Something tells me he knew the exact questions ahead of time.
I didn't watch it so I don't know how justified this suspicion is. A couple others have mentioned that the questions seemed tailored to Ford's message. Were they coming from the crowd or the moderator?

In the last couple years we have seen that all institutions bend to the Fords' special blend of bullying and shamelessness. Media, police, all three levels of government, substance abuse facilities, City Hall security staff. Even if event organizers here were unbiased and impartial, they would just be a small band of inexperienced people doing volunteer work. No reason they couldn't be pushed offside in some way like the Fords manage to do to everyone else.
... by the way, I should also mention that the whole line of "who do you trust?" the candidates kept asking over and over got clichéd really quickly when the Fraudsters kept belting out FOOOORRRRDDDD.

The theme of "trust" was mostly coming from Karen stintz, who should be the last person (other than Ford) to be asking for our trust given her pathetic history of flip flopping.
Seriously. A clown show it was.

Not surprisingly, Ford was the last to take stage.

Plus also how Rob and his entourage walked up slowly from the back of the auditorium with their big old swagger on while the other candidates were already up on stage. Very deliberate.
The five-person debate format is perfectly tailored to Ford's high-energy, loose-facts delivery. Without a repeated back and forth there's no way to hold him to any of his more ridiculous statements. He may be an idiot but he's an idiot who can stay on message, and having four opponents doesn't help. They really need to do a debate with only the top 2 or 3 and let them have at each other.
I didn't watch it so I don't know how justified this suspicion is. A couple others have mentioned that the questions seemed tailored to Ford's message. Were they coming from the crowd or the moderator?

In the last couple years we have seen that all institutions bend to the Fords' special blend of bullying and shamelessness. Media, police, all three levels of government, substance abuse facilities, City Hall security staff. Even if event organizers here were unbiased and impartial, they would just be a small band of inexperienced people doing volunteer work. No reason they couldn't be pushed offside in some way like the Fords manage to do to everyone else.

Moderator was handed the questions which supposedly came from the crowd.
I've found it very odd that Ford was speaking fairly... confidently.

Actually, from what little I caught, and through the cheering-squad smokescreen, I found Ford's voice oddly (and ominously) fraying-around-the-edges slurry.

But given what transpired there, it's a wonder that there wasn't an "Altamont" situation, i.e. the debate itself being upstaged by something homicidally ugly in the peanut gallery. (And who knows--given the tenor in the air, such a thing *still* might happen as the debates and events roll on.)
Actually, from what little I caught, and through the cheering-squad smokescreen, I found Ford's voice oddly (and ominously) fraying-around-the-edges slurry.

But given what transpired there, it's a wonder that there wasn't an "Altamont" situation, i.e. the debate itself being upstaged by something homicidally ugly in the peanut gallery. (And who knows--given the tenor in the air, such a thing *still* might happen as the debates and events roll on.)

Adma, you are the prophet poet of the Toronto apocalypse.
Just got back from the debate in Scarborough (I live in South Etobicoke ... and I stopped for McDonald's) ...

I think it's safe to say the gentleman I've campaigned for, thoroughly believe in, and will surely vote for ... won tonight. Comfortably.

John Tory is so right for Mayor of the City of Toronto.
John Tory is so right for Mayor of the City of Toronto.
Well, he's an infinite improvement over Rob Ford. Heck, a dead corpse would be an infinite improvement over Rob Ford.

But aren't you troubled that the core of Rob Ford's 2010 team, who were trying to sell us a racist crack addict are now trying to sell us John Tory?

And what is with his bizarre transit schemes that sum up to less than what the province has already committed to pay for? Is he trying to build Toronto or cut funding to Toronto to eliminate the provincial debt?
So depressing to see Rob Ford say that spending money = wasting money and watch it go unchallenged. Soknacki tries but it isn't getting traction.

Ford is a landlord who ignores a leaking roof so he can boast about how little he spends on repairs, and when it finally caves in he blames it on his tenants.
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