No comments? I thought it was kinda interesting . . . or maybe it's just so obvious it's not worth discussing . . .
The stars may yet be aligned for Rob Ford come October, if Stintz and Soknacki stay the course and deny 10% of more of the votes to Tory and Chow. If either one withdraws, they might leak a few supporters to Ford ... but Ford's relative position would likely suffer a fatal blow, given his abysmal approval rating. So Ford is highly motivated to keep BOTH Stintz and Soknacki running and moreover, to hype their numbers as much as possible. Conversely, if either Soknacki or Stintz drop out, it probably becomes a two horse (Tory and Chow) race. So the potential for some backroom deals here is tremendous. BTW, it will be interesting to see if these latest poll results trigger any shifts in the strategic (i.e. anti-Ford) vote.
The stars may yet be aligned for Rob Ford come October, if Stintz and Soknacki stay the course and deny 10% of more of the votes to Tory and Chow. If either one withdraws, they might leak a few supporters to Ford ... but Ford's relative position would likely suffer a fatal blow, given his abysmal approval rating. So Ford is highly motivated to keep BOTH Stintz and Soknacki running and moreover, to hype their numbers as much as possible. Conversely, if either Soknacki or Stintz drop out, it probably becomes a two horse (Tory and Chow) race. So the potential for some backroom deals here is tremendous. BTW, it will be interesting to see if these latest poll results trigger any shifts in the strategic (i.e. anti-Ford) vote.
As Daniel Dale said in the chat this afternoon, Ford can't get good staff like he used to due to all of the scandals and other nonsense.
I thought that article was great. It supports the idea that it’s not just the “stupid”, but there’s a piece or two definitely missing from RoFo’s mental puzzle, and perhaps other Fords as well. As in literally, not figuratively.
His actions seem to put him in the narcissistic personality zone, where it’s all about him and nobody else seems to exist, much less matter. I’m now wondering if that idea gives him too much credit. It’s not that he knows and doesn’t care, it’s simply that he doesn’t know. He’s unaware of social impacts and boundaries.
As it author points out, it might be time to stop overthinking RoDoFo, and slice ‘em with Occam’s Razor: don’t attribute to malice what can be explained with stupidity. Por burro, no malo. Cock up before conspiracy.
And yeah, this could well be a hardware problem, not just low-quality thinkin’.
OMG I had a thought. Stintz has always quoted robs lines a d seems to always be just this side of hating him, and Tory has Kouvalis. Who is smart. What if. There was a back room deal made for him to steer Tory and influence stintz to maintain that constant small percentage because the already know that a split vote might help ford win. Oh sure, scoff, but that's the twist I'd put in the movie.
Preston Manning on Rob Ford
The Founder and President of the Manning Centre for Building Democracy offers his views on the controversial mayor and the democratic process for elected officials at the municipal level.
"if he was a premiere he'd be out of office" through a confidence vote.
I tell ya, I’m having a real fest watching Keeping Up With The Fords, however when the party’s over there’s always garbage to clean up.
It’s not right that Toronto’s mayor can legally stay around – as some would say, a destructive force – when his own council has lost faith and stripped him of his powers. Not to mention that public opinion also palpably disapproves, and where citizens who are politically interested are actively protesting. It’s clear people have had enough, and still nothing can be done. Oh dear.
The Westminster government system – our system – possesses the concept of Responsible Government.
Enter Preston Manning. Basically he says that it’s high time for Responsible Government at Toronto City Hall. TCH has 48 members, which is *larger* than some provincial legislatures. TCH also has a multi-billion dollar budget, which makes it a huge target for abuse through apathy. As the commercial centre to the staples-producing margins, a hobbled Toronto (or Montreal or Vancouver) indirectly hobbles the rest of Canada.
As students of Canadian history, we were taught that WL Mackenzie’s rabble-rousing, newspaper and 1837 Rebellion were key in bringing Responsible Government to Upper Canada. It’s effing ironic that while it exists at the Provincial and Federal levels, Responsible Government has yet to find its way to Toronto’s municipal government – and it’s 2014 AD!
RoFo must go, and Responsible Government must come. It’s time.
RoFo must go, and Responsible Government must come. It’s time.
I tell ya, I’m having a real fest watching Keeping Up With The Fords, however when the party’s over there’s always garbage to clean up.
It’s not right that Toronto’s mayor can legally stay around – as some would say, a destructive force – when his own council has lost faith and stripped him of his powers. Not to mention that public opinion also palpably disapproves, and where citizens who are politically interested are actively protesting. It’s clear people have had enough, and still nothing can be done. Oh dear.
The Westminster government system – our system – possesses the concept of Responsible Government.
Enter Preston Manning. Basically he says that it’s high time for Responsible Government at Toronto City Hall. TCH has 48 members, which is *larger* than some provincial legislatures. TCH also has a multi-billion dollar budget, which makes it a huge target for abuse through apathy. As the commercial centre to the staples-producing margins, a hobbled Toronto (or Montreal or Vancouver) indirectly hobbles the rest of Canada.
As students of Canadian history, we were taught that WL Mackenzie’s rabble-rousing, newspaper and 1837 Rebellion were key in bringing Responsible Government to Upper Canada. It’s effing ironic that while it exists at the Provincial and Federal levels, Responsible Government has yet to find its way to Toronto’s municipal government – and it’s 2014 AD!
RoFo must go, and Responsible Government must come. It’s time.
The only fault I see in your discourse is that it is more than 140 characters.
OK, short form:
The city gummint is a provincial construct. Tell your MPP and Premier Wynne to amend The City of Toronto Act. Stat!