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I actually think the large number of debates has been a good thing. I'm frankly surprised at how many posters have been complaining about it.

Because of the active debate schedule, we've been able to witness some really interesting discussions on very focused areas of interest - seniors, black Canadians, business and trade, low income residents, affordable housing, people with disabilities, students, LGBTQ, local neighbourhoods, etc. Questions have been asked that would never, ever be asked on a mainstream televised debate. And because they're being asked and answered in front of the other candidates and a moderator, the candidate can't just strong arm or sidestep the way they could on a person's doorstep.

If these local debates weren't taking place, what exactly do you think the candidates would be doing instead?? Knocking on doors and spouting platitudes or stuffing flyers in people's mailboxes. Showing up at cultural events and shaking hands, having pictures taken, and uttering yet more platitudes. As far as I'm concerned, the debates are a MILLION times more useful than that.

So if you're tired of all the debates, just stop watching them.

But if the candidates are tired of having to explain and defend their views, then maybe they shouldn't be running for public office. As we've seen with Ford, there is no firing clause. It is the responsibility of electors to evaluate who gets a four year free pass, and so far, debates have been the BEST way to do that.

(p.s. If John Tory would like to stop debating, perhaps he should try releasing a detailed platform)
I knew they were Pastafarians!

But seriously, why are some so convinced that Doug can't take this? If there is anything I've learned in life, it's that for every one articulate, broad-minded, intelligent UT poster, there are easily 10 morons. There is nothing that has convinced me it's out of reach for Doug. I respect the vote-my-conscience camp and I haven't decided if I'm in that camp yet, but I do think the reality is that we are setting ourselves up for "Ford more years" (gah, I can't stand that stupid non-sensical slogan; what a horrible pun). I don't think I could live in a city with Doug Ford as mayor, and Rob Ford (then Mike Ford if he takes it in a future byelection) as deputy mayor, for at least four more years. I have to admit that I'm leaning to voting for the front runner and trying to break the potential Ford stronghold now, before it's too late.

Well-considered - and my fear also. LOL @ 'Pastafarians'! :D
It is the responsibility of electors to evaluate who gets a four year free pass, and so far, debates have been the BEST way to do that.

Commissioner Anabell Brumford: Do you realize that because of you this city is being overrun by baboons?

Lt. Frank Drebin: Well, isn't that the fault of the voters?
Well, John Tory apparently is a likeable fellow. He's educated, clean cut, well-spoken, has a terrific CV, etc. So what's informed and shaped his politics? Here's a person who endorsed both Fords in 2010 (with his words and cash), and well into Rob Ford's bumblefuck term as mayor was still sticking up for him on his radio program. I'm not implying for one moment that Tory is as bad as the Fords on a personal level (he's clearly not), but politics-wise? As Ari Goldkind said (good line!): He's a Ford in sheep's clothing.

That's one of my issues with Tory too. He knew the Fords very well. He knew they were both ill suited to be running this city, yet he not only endorsed them but he financially contributed to their campaign. What does that tell you about Tory? Tory also knew about how unethical Nick Kouvalis was, yet he hired him as his campaign manager. What does that tell you about Tory?

It tells me that Tory is out to win at any cost and the man has little integrity. He is your typical self-serving politician. I do not like this guy at all. Of course, I hate the Fords even more, so I am not looking foreword to voting, much like the last time where I was unhappy with the options. I'd vote for David Miller in a heartbeat.
I commute through North Etobicoke and the past couple days have noticed the multitude of election signs for both council and mayor are lying on the ground, save for the Ford signs which seem unaffected. It's only in a couple areas along Albion Rd so I assume it's vandalism.

I'm on Andray's team. Sign vandalism, destruction, and removal has been a huge issue over the past few weeks, both on public and private property - supporters are complaining, and Andray tweeted about one woman who said that she no longer felt safe putting up a sign on her property.

It's also affected other candidates as well, specifically Munira Abukar and Luke Larocque.
I'm on Andray's team. Sign vandalism, destruction, and removal has been a huge issue over the past few weeks, both on public and private property - supporters are complaining, and Andray tweeted about one woman who said that she no longer felt safe putting up a sign on her property.

It's also affected other candidates as well, specifically Munira Abukar and Luke Larocque.

I think one need to spend some effort to catch the individuals in action and apply the full weight of the law on them as an example. That would put an end to this BS.

That's one of my issues with Tory too. He knew the Fords very well. He knew they were both ill suited to be running this city, yet he not only endorsed them but he financially contributed to their campaign. What does that tell you about Tory? Tory also knew about how unethical Nick Kouvalis was, yet he hired him as his campaign manager. What does that tell you about Tory?

Perhaps Tory hired Kouvalis because of his intimate knowledge of the Fords? It sort of make sense to me from that perspective. Also, I know some feel that the positioning of Tory as the front runner and the one to beat is the underhanded work of Kouvalis, but is it really so underhanded? Seems like a sound strategy and one that Chow should have adopted from day one, in my humble opinion.
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