Future Mississauga Hotel/Convention-Centre to be built nearby.:cool:

Mississauga Council Approves Request for Information to Attract Hotel Development

"Given the synergies that can be created with the Civic Centre, LAC, Square One and now Sheridan College - all immediately adjacent to the site, I believe that it's one of the best locations in the City for a hotel-convention centre," said Councillor Frank Dale for Ward 4 where the site is located.


Saw posting of this earlier and had a few questions.

Would this site be larger enough for a hotel and convention centre?

How large could the convention possibly be if located on this site?

I'm assuming the site of any hotel and convention centre would be located on the empty parcel of land immediately adjacent to Community Common Park.
All good questions...

That land is owned by Daniels .

I think they mean the land LAC is built on. If a hotel and convention centre is to be built on the same property, the LAC will have to be completely redeveloped, no? Not much land to work with as it stands now.
The development that may result from the process is to be constructed on the six-acre City-owned site that includes the Living Arts Centre (LAC).
See I also wondered about the possible redevelopment of LAC if hotel/convention centre was built on the site, but ruled it out as LAC is less than 15 years old. Then there was this bit "Direct indoor access/connection with the Living Arts Centre" from the Hotel Convention Centre Fact Sheet. I then imagined this meant the site across the street beside the park would be the likely location, with maybe an underground connection to LAC. Being the land beside the park is owned by Daniels, I'm now even more curious what a hotel/convention centre would look like and mean for the current LAC.
There is only 2 places where this thing can go based on the release, but there are 3 other locations where it can go, but will not be connected to the LAC.

One is to the west where the vacant land is now own by Daniels. (1st Choice)

The 2nd one is on the north side, beside Sheridan College and that would cause some issue when it comes time for Sheridan to expand.

The 3rd is on the north side of Sheridan running between Duke of York and LAC Dr. along Rathburn.

The 4th is in the north-west corner of Sq One where there been talked of putting a hotel there for 15 years.

The 5th is the south-west corner of Sq One.

Another fine example of poor thinking and planning by the powers to be.

Both sites are too small to put in a real good Hotel Convention Centre site.

This RFI should be part of a mix development combining Hotel, Convention, Office and residential that is more than 40 floors. You need room to hold at least 3,000 people at one time and it can be broken down into smaller room. Hall celling needs to be 10m higher for a trade show.

The city has already blown $10 Million on a fail deal that was trying to do this in the first place. Bring out the old thread for it and add this to it.

The LAC was a poor plan as well run. It is still in debit today and you can't fill the main theater most of the time. They don't have the money to fix this thing up now.http://www.mississauga.ca/file/COM/HotelConventionCentreFactSheet.pdf
It's good to know I'm not the only one who feels this hotel/convention centre thing is badly planned.

With all the development that's currently going on at MCC, any plan for a hotel/convention centre better happen soon.
Do I remember correctly that there will be another Sheridan building to the north of the current one just built? Between the new one and Rathburn?

I recall a roundabout along that road. Will have to look up that PDF soon.
Do I remember correctly that there will be another Sheridan building to the north of the current one just built? Between the new one and Rathburn?

I recall a roundabout along that road. Will have to look up that PDF soon.

The plan calls for 4 buildings in total with 2 on either side of Sq One Dr. One large one on the north side running up Duke of York similar to what is going up now. The other 2 on Living Arts Dr will be smaller

Based on what I was seeing the past few weeks, but most of all today, there is no roundabout as plan at this time. Only a centre section in the middle of the block. Sq One Dr is complete between LAC and Confederation Dr. They are pouring the curbs between LAC and Duke of York. The road should be in place by the end of June.

Depending on the out come for the hotel, the south side build could be lost if no attempt is made to incorporate the plan campus into this hotel/convention centre.
Based on what I was seeing the past few weeks, but most of all today, there is no roundabout as plan at this time.

It was announced a few weeks ago and was in every major newspaper though. The city approved the roundabout and it will be built this summer.

John Stewart|May 27, 2011 - 9:16 AM


Roundabout. European style roundabouts, such as this one in Paris, are coming to Mississauga.
The first one will be installed at Square One Dr. and Duke of York Blvd. in the City Centre.

Round, round we'll go

Mississauga is getting a new "roundabout."
A European-style intersection will be installed in the heart of the City Centre, adjacent to the new Sheridan College campus.
The concept of roundabouts — circular intersections controlled by yield signs rather than traffic signals — are typical in England and many European countries, but remain a novelty in Canada.
“The City’s Downtown21 Master Plan has identified roundabouts as features that will help make the downtown vibrant and pedestrian friendly,” said Martin Powell, Mississauga's commissioner of transportation and works.
Because the concept is not widely understood here, the City will be hosting awareness sessions at Square One Shopping Centre and Sheridan College to explain to motorists and pedestrians how to navigate them safely.
Experts believe roundabouts reduce the severity of collisions by 75 per cent. For one thing, they eliminate high-speed T-bone crashes that are often fatal at signalled intersections. Head-on collisions are eliminated.
Roundabouts are virtually maintenance-free and don't require traffic signals.
The new City Centre roundabout will be installed over the summer and will open in the fall.
It was announced a few weeks ago and was in every major newspaper though. The city approved the roundabout and it will be built this summer.

There was supposed to be a roundabout on the Sheridan site, but not the case now. There will be an roundabout on Duke of York. Totally 2 different things, as I was talking about the Sheridan site.
There was supposed to be a roundabout on the Sheridan site, but not the case now. There will be an roundabout on Duke of York. Totally 2 different things, as I was talking about the Sheridan site.

Why would there be a roundabout on site if there are no intersections on site? There are two possible locations for roundabouts, and Duke of York/Square One Drive was always the intersection intended to be turned into a roundabout, which is the one that is being built.

Early renderings also showed it:

