How would the infill stations cost anywhere near $2.6 Billion to build? Even underground subway stations cost "only" about $200 Million each to build ($2.6 Bn would be enough to build 13 stations). Surely at-grade stations that are little more than slabs of concrete are far less expensive.
-- This factors in the cost of the theoretical Eglinton stations which would no doubt, be extremely expensive.
-- Several SmartTrack stations are complex interchange stations
-- Given the trainsets /might/ be high-platform (we don't know that for sure, yet) that may also require retrofits to some existing stations, too, especially if SmartTrack replaces the GO trains at certain stations.
-- There's lots of difficulty installing the infill stations in some of the proposed locations. Some of the infrastructure station may need to go underground anyway, before accessing surface platforms -- due to lack of space next to the tracks.
-- There
are actually a whopping dozen (or so) infill stations.
I was giving an approximate split -- there is probably inexact give or take (e.g. 2bn+3bn+3bn). It could still take almost a third of the SmartTrack budget,
depending on how it's done. If we went shoestring and went "Exhibition" or "Long Branch", certainly this is stupidly expensive.
Obviuosly, if we chopped the Eglinton spur, it probably also dramatically lower the costs of the infill stations. There could be some scaleback too, but let's wait and see what kind of stations get proposed for SmartTrack.
While I don't want ALL the SmartTrack elements (e.g. the stupendously expensive Eglinton) -- I like the idea of something more enhanced than GO RER -- with plenty of infill stations, perhaps with express-allstop tracks, with the Kitchener diesels GO trains giong express past all the SmartTrack stations, to keep the station design simpler (especially if, for example, 150-meter high-platform trains are chosen).