Why? If your going to suggest making something a bannable offense, an extreme measure, than your going to have to give a proper explanation of why such a thing should be bannable.

Also I don't see how that could possibly be a bannable offense. Are you offended that negative comments were made about some firms? If that became bannable than what would be next? Would talking about buildings in a negative manner become a bannable offense as well?
Can we please just stick to Ãce in this thread?

Here's some Ãce-helper to do that, on a snöwy day, just after we had blü skies yesterday:

(Sorry, got a little Infinity in some of these…)





Peeking out behind Infinity


Why? If your going to suggest making something a bannable offense, an extreme measure, than your going to have to give a proper explanation of why such a thing should be bannable.

Also I don't see how that could possibly be a bannable offense. Are you offended that negative comments were made about some firms? If that became bannable than what would be next? Would talking about buildings in a negative manner become a bannable offense as well?

im offended by how boring it is, i just want to look at pictures of buildings. bye.
im offended by how boring it is, i just want to look at pictures of buildings. bye.

You're offended by boredom; so everyone should appease your selfish attitude or get the boot? You should run for the federal leadership of the NDP.
Thanks for the pics,interchange.

Seeing the former empty front of the city being so quickly filled in is constantly a surprise.
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fantastic photos interchange!
the south core area is changing RIGHT NOW!. everything is on the rise and the whole area is looking 100x busier!

it's prime time folks.!
Thanks for the pics,interchange.

Seeing the former empty front of the city being so quickly filled in is constantly a surprise.

You are right, it is a surprise. It really wasn't all that long ago that this place was desolate. I wish I had a photo for comparison taken from the same vantage point as I42, but there was no reason to take a picture of empty land.
Yeah, it's remarkable. I'm really excited for it all to be done--especially with the 90 Harbour development and the one beside it...name forgotten. The three building development. Someone here can certainly correct me.

My main concern, though, is that with this score of new buildings the southcore is going to feel a bit like newer American cities, like Houston for instance. It's not really bad, but some times these newer cities have some very modern, tall, sleek buildings but there's really nothing built into the street level. This leaves them feeling empty and a little bit depressing. I'm hoping that after 5pm this area is still alive, and this can definitely be done by bringing in retail, restaurants and general entertainment to the street level. Perhaps this is already on its way.
Houston ..w have a ...

Well there is a HUGE difference between, US citys and Toronto.....
Houston and Dallas, and LA, are driven by the automobile..........entirely..... meaning that their downtowns have NO one living there................last time this came up, I looked it up, and I believe Houston has around 5000 people living downtown.... the problem of course becomes defining "downtown"...which aint always easy!!!
Still these are people towers, not office towers,.. making your fears unwarranted..........

The only US citys with large downtown populations were NYC of course, and Chicago.......... plus San Fransisco, and Boston......... Almost everything else is suburban sprawl..... in factI would bet that Montreal has more Urban livers, than US cities twice its size!!!!
You're right. I don't mean to compare them too closely. Considered holistically, Toronto and (say) Houston are really different. But considered partly, I do wonder whether this particular development of Toronto--the 'southcore--will be similar in some ways to those more modern American cities. Granted, as you point out Houston has reportedly around 5000 people living downtown, whereas southcore will have that in roughly one building development. There are differences. But regardless, a new development with glassy highrises and little street-level retail can appear empty. This is especially true when the high rises are, well, high--the street level can feel swamped and over-ridden by the massive towers above. It's important to find a balance there.
I have a good feeling none of you have been to Houston or Dallas ... there is no comparison at all between Toronto (or most Canadian cities / maybe Edmonton ... as my first visit recently unveiled).

Having said that, if your talking from a purely architecture point of view that's a completely different story.

There is some great architecture in Houston. But honestly, there is no relation between them and the south core whatsoever. Not in a positive or negative way
Been to Houston and Dallas, as well..

So much for your good feeling...... :confused:

What about my statement made you even go there?? ( I dont appreciate being talked down to, I will leave it at that)

I think Southcore in 5 years, once the dust has settled, after a Jays game... will be a very vibrant place.... and Bremner should become a very walkable, pedestrian friendly area, it would be madness, to not cater to that much residential, and entertainment,with cafes , bars, street vendors, and restaraunts!!

The biggest difference between, US and Canadian cities, is the degree of freeway traffic, and how quickly you can pass thru or avoid the urban center, get in and get out in the US , Winnipeg, stays more connected to its neighborhoods as you have to drive thru them, MPLS, u jump on 35 south, for 27 minutes and end up in Burnsville....... Freeways really dominate American citys, exception being NYC, ........... and they battled like only they could, to stop them!!!!
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