Wow now that's reflective,
just by that I'm impressed already. thanks for posting those images.
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It looks very very reflective, which is cool. I like the sleek silver venting at the top of the glass, too. Looking forward to seeing lots more up!
Three panels and you already know it's going to be amazing. A third of Aura is up and people are still 'reserving judgement.'

As this is an aA project, the rest of the building is likely going to look similar to what's here. With Aura, we have two wildly different window types, questionable detailing and the cladding of the curved portion of the tower- which has not been revealed yet. I think it's logical for people to reserve judgement on Aura until it's at least half done.
yeah, cool glass but think of the damage it'll do to our migrating bird species. Very disappointed that when you need the city's bureaucracy to intervene they don't, yet when you don't, they do.
i'm not blown away by the cladding yet. it looks very reflective and all, but we have to see more of it. that grey framing (or whatever you call it), might look cheap.. it could turn into a nicer absolute world (which's cladding for the tower portion, not balconies, is only subpar imo).

but hoping for the best :)
If the glass is really as reflective as it is in that photo then I think it would be a HUGE problem for migratory birds ... surely there are regulations against new buildings with SUPER reflective glass under FLAP (fatal light awareness program) ... unless the builder plans to put in place significant funding for picking up dead birds or caring of injured birds
If the glass is really as reflective as it is in that photo then I think it would be a HUGE problem for migratory birds ... surely there are regulations against new buildings with SUPER reflective glass under FLAP (fatal light awareness program) ... unless the builder plans to put in place significant funding for picking up dead birds or caring of injured birds

That's an excellent point. Thanks for bring it to my attention. It's something that should be taken into consideration, as constantly killing birds 'cause we want pretty glass is absurd.
I don't think there are any regulations under FLAP, as that programme monitors the problem. According to this article ( ):

"From 2000 to 2010, the Fatal Light Awareness Program (FLAP) reported more than 29,000 migrating birds slammed into Toronto buildings."

The nearby TD centre is one of the worst offenders.

The article does go on to say that property owners can face "charges under the federal Species at Risk Act, the Environmental Protection Act and the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act".
Agreeing with you all on this the glass is beautiful and will look amazing though again like you have all said only two panels to judge by but animals getting hurt is where I end my appreciation. I'm all for glits and glimmer but nt if lives are lost just for our human interests. But who knows they may have it all planned for this and surely thought about that.
