Yeah those columns are enormous, all most wall to wall.

So virtually zero west views (assuming something like 80 Bloor W is built a spit away), unless the columns shrink in upper floors. Maybe an opaque glazing for much of the west facade?
It's clear that a lot of thought has been put not only into this building but also 80 bloor nextdoor, which makes me hopeful that it might get built as is.

I'm not exactly sure how I feel about the propsed 80 bloor redesign here though, also am I the only one who thinks they made 80 bloor taller under their recommendations? Because it sure looks that way to me.
It is taller because of the lost GFA in the smaller plates down at the bottom. The idea here is 'apples to apples' comparable density between the original and this idea.
Unsure --has this project been approved yet?

Not approved and not likely to be approved without substantial change. It'll probably be another 18 to 24 months before zoning changes on this site go through; zero parking spaces in itself is a special ask that's very rarely granted.

... but will this be their first Canadian project?.

They worked on an Art Gallery in Vancouver, but I think that's their only other Canadian project.

2 dedicated elevators to the lower level of the restaurant - 85th floor and the top 2 floors will be serviced via escalator
Main kitchen is on the lowest level of the restaurant for deliveries, and there are 2 elevators direct from the kitchen to the top floor for wait staff - so 4 elevators within the restaurant plus escalators.
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@rbt Interesting - thanks for the info. I took a look at the art gallery and i'm torn - i like the current wood exterior but the proposed design for glass looks pretty cool too.
And now, next door has been completely redesigned. Check out our front page story on the changes to the 80 Bloor West proposal.

We have a second front page story up on 1200 Bay now, here, that looks at all of the major details that have come out of the filing of documents for the proposal.

We have a second front page story up on 1200 Bay now, here, that looks at all of the major details that have come out of the filing of documents for the proposal.

Very well written article! The information was presented extremely well and with the right level of detail.

The restaurant-observatory is an awesome addition, and the block plan (and proposal overall) seems well thought out. I know we are skirting the city's rules with regard to tower separation here, but the combined proposals of 80 Bloor and 1200 Bay are quite exciting.
15 metre separation:

Toronto Model 06-11-20 1200 Bay.png

Toronto Model 06-11-20 1200 Bay2.png
Luxury super-tall buildings in Manhattan have come to represent a deeply unequal capitalist economic system - where a privileged few, holding an outsized share of the public wealth, literally tower over the rest of us who are having a harder and harder time making ends meet.

In the United States, empty towers co-owned by billionaires, foreign kleptocrats, shell corporations and REITs tower over a country where millions of unemployed people are without homes, the state inflicts violence on its most vulnerable populations, and unrest seethes in the streets.

Normally I would be really excited and interested in a tower designed by Herog & deMeuron in my own city... but something about that image unsettled. It looks to me like a crystalization of that horrible societal sickness sprouting up in our city and I'm not sure I like it.

Plus, who would want to wait for the elevator?

Wow you took the words right out of my head
This is not quite the same as those pencil towers in Manhattan, which often have only 1 or 2 units per floor. This will have about 5 units per floor - I believe that’s not unheard of in Toronto. Plus if the tower next door is approved, I doubt any oligarch would be interested in paying upwards of $2k/psf for a unit with minimum light and privacy (pretty much all but the top 1/4 west-facing units).
This is not quite the same as those pencil towers in Manhattan, which often have only 1 or 2 units per floor. This will have about 5 units per floor - I believe that’s not unheard of in Toronto. Plus if the tower next door is approved, I doubt any oligarch would be interested in paying upwards of $2k/psf for a unit with minimum light and privacy (pretty much all but the top 1/4 west-facing units).
There are no west-facing units planned in 1200 Bay: they face north, east, or south. The west side is virtually all elevators and staircases.

