Why must almost every single tower built in the entertainment district be a soul-sucking, bland, and uninspired piece of garbage?

We may as well take the entertainment out of the "entertainment district" and replace it with "The Uninspired".
I wouldn't go that far. There's quite a few that I would say are pleasing. There's no point in doing something original and inspired in boom town conditions. The biggest beef on Urbantoronto is the table top building heights which has little to do with architecture.
Visually, the tower will be crowded out by everything else in the area.

At pedestrian level, this will be more than fine of a walking experience:


So ultimately, I don't find this to be too disappointing.
Haha gee, i cant believe the bashing and trashing that comes with every released rendering on UT when truthfully these developers are spending hundreds of millions of dollars on each of these projects to make these gloomy dismal areas into better vibrant retail and residential areas,
..many here are just looking at a scribble and not the bigger picture
I like this one it’s a little different ...the aqua balconies are a nice color choice. The off set pattern is uniform at least to.
Haha gee, i cant believe the bashing and trashing that comes with every released rendering on UT when truthfully these developers are spending hundreds of millions of dollars on each of these projects to make these gloomy dismal areas into better vibrant retail and residential areas,
..many here are just looking at a scribble and not the bigger picture

Ah yes - the very face of corporate responsibility! This project just screams "thoughtful design" and not "minimum effort for maximum profit".
Haha gee, i cant believe the bashing and trashing that comes with every released rendering on UT when truthfully these developers are spending hundreds of millions of dollars on each of these projects to make these gloomy dismal areas into better vibrant retail and residential areas,
..many here are just looking at a scribble and not the bigger picture
You in turn sound like an apologist for mediocrity. The only criterion by which we are to properly judge developers is the depth of their pockets - that's the gist of message? Ludicrous.
It's really nice to see an underutilized block get redeveloped like this, but it's going to get crowded. Good for the area though. When I used to work downtown, one of my sites that I serviced was Theatre Park right across the street. The block was either totally dead on the weekends, or basically a parking lot during the week. It'll be nice to see it change. It'll suck that all the easy parking will disappear though, with 217 Adelaide, 19 Duncan, and 100 Simcoe joining the party.

In terms of design, I don't hate it or love it either. Looks a lot better than its neighbour 19 Duncan though. Wish the heights of these proposed towers were more different instead of being a tabletop.
when truthfully these developers are spending hundreds of millions of dollars on each of these projects to make these gloomy dismal areas into better vibrant retail and residential areas

I cannot believe $ome actually typed out thi$ non$en$e hahahahaha ....... $$$$$
What a mess. I would much rather a plain quality glass box that will age well than whatever this gimmicky and frankly cheap attempt at a "design" is.

Moreover, deplorable architecture aside, I think this is complete over-development of the lot. Just because it is the entertainment district and developers have the opportunity to line their pockets, doesn't mean these densities makes sense from a livability perspective.
I enjoy the condition at grade. The tower design looks messy and could use a stronger, cleaner, face lift.
