All the Lofts Suites face south

The loft suites all face south and don't overlook the transformers.
Why does the city not get tough with Ontario Hydro and get them to bury it.
Could they not take advantage of the excavation of 300 Front street to bury this station.I believe in todays day and age it has been done.

The lower floors of 7 WTC is one such example.


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I think Bid Daddy is missing the fact that 1 sq.ft. in a condo does not = 1 sq.ft. in house, its a lifestyle change that one chooses and adapts accordingly (with less furniture + less junk)

Absolutely! How very astute. Just to carry along on that logic.. Who needs bedrooms with windows. You sleep there. Who needs light?! Yechh!
And bedroom sizes? You dont really need a lot of room to sleep. Ask any newly wed hubby. He will tell you he's learning to adjust just fine. A small 'double' is all you need, and why not get real cuddly and the both of you can tuck into a 'single'. You will be raising a family in the city in no time!
You know ..a hammock strung from wall to wall (assuming the walls are far enough apart) will allow you to put a small dresser underneath. Clever, huh?
Kitchens? Are you kidding? Who cooks anymore? Can you remember 967-1111? And if you feel the the need to eat in, there is absolutely nothing wrong with standing while you are eating. Why people do it all the time at buffet get togethers. It's really the trendy new hip way of eating.

It won't be long when we will look back at these massive 500 square foot 2 bedroom condos and wonder how we could be so wasteful.:p
According to the sales rep, they sold about 200 units (672 total) so far.
I just visited the Tridel showroom and I wasn't impressed.
The showroom is a room at the convention centre for 10 days and not a full time facility – Yonge / Carlton the Tridel office will host the permanent showroom The décor was very modest and the area was small – 1000 s.f.
There was one building model and an interactive TV (impressive) to display the views at selected suites A coffee urn was not inviting – I’ve seen much better in car showrooms No model suites and no layout plans on the wall
Brochure and price list are OK but not flashy / glitzty – it didn’t look like a hard push to oversell. The location of the property north faces a huge hydro plant, other views are hindered by office buildings up to 30 stories
Views south have a constrained and distant view of the lake. These suites are not luxury and there is no luxury appeal apart from the flashy pool / rec facilities and fancy kitchen fixtures. We went at 1:30 on a Monday and the place was busy. All salespeople at desks were occupied with customers.
I left for a coffee and came back ½ hour later – still busy but a salesperson motioned for us to sit down whilst she tidied up 3 agreements
She looked harried and overworked. She was clearly disinterested in us although the assistant answered some questions. She commented that Saturday (opening) was extremely hectic with people lining up - >200 sales in the day. People seemed to be middle of the road, younger couples and singles. Impression is that they have sold 35% in 3 days. Pricing is about $600 / s.f. for typically small suites ranging 400 s.f. to 1400 – typically around 600 s.f.
I continue to be surprised by this activity that seems impervious to uncertain housing prices / competing condo activity.
remember that you can not be certain about '% sold' until the 10-days recission period expires ... I suspect given the location/price of this project there would be a fair bit of investors
All salespeople at desks were occupied with customers.
I left for a coffee and came back ½ hour later – still busy but a salesperson motioned for us to sit down whilst she tidied up 3 agreements
She looked harried and overworked. She was clearly disinterested in us although the assistant answered some questions. She commented that Saturday (opening) was extremely hectic with people lining up - >200 sales in the day. People seemed to be middle of the road, younger couples and singles. Impression is that they have sold 35% in 3 days.
This is obviously a very desperate marking technique on Tridel's part, an illusion to make you think you'd better buy immediately because units are selling super fast. The sales woman was a trained actor and so were the "customers" -- you were actually the only person there that didn't work for The Company.
I would sure love to hear the from the buyers that decide to buy a lower floor unit facing directly on to that Hydro transformer complex.
This thing is impressive. Definately worth taking a walk over to, and having look at. It really does hum...loud! There is some serious wattage going through that thing.

Wouldn't it be fascinating to hear their reasons for buying.

" Gollllleeeeeee!!! Did I ever get a great bargain..and the saleslady told me that this building even comes with its very own powerplant!! Hell! She even waived the the premium for the great close up view I got!"

(only one I can think of):D
LOL! Is this not just like the people who buy in King West, and some realtors assure their prospective purchasers that those abattoirs are to be closing soon? "Don't worry, the smell won't be here much longer!"
the sales centre in MTCC was busy when I was there on August 8th @ 6pm ... but no where even close to the crowds of 1BE ... people only had to wait in line for an agent to sign a deal once they picked a unit, there were about 10 people in line when I was there
Why does the city not get tough with Ontario Hydro and get them to bury it.
Could they not take advantage of the excavation of 300 Front street to bury this station.I believe in todays day and age it has been done.
Should my tax dollars be spent so some downtown 'hipster' does not have to listen to humming wires.....? Whatever happened to buyer beware? I believe Hydro was there fist. Beside, the station is part of the urban fabric with it.
Should my tax dollars be spent so some downtown 'hipster' does not have to listen to humming wires.....? Whatever happened to buyer beware? I believe Hydro was there fist. Beside, the station is part of the urban fabric with it.

I second that ... the hydro station was there long before any of the condo developments.

If it's such a concern for potential buyers, then DON'T purchase there.
If it's a concern for developers, then have THEM pay to move it underground, etc.

Besides, Ontario Hydro ratepayers are already paying legacy fees.

Should my tax dollars be spent so some downtown 'hipster' does not have to listen to humming wires.....? Whatever happened to buyer beware? I believe Hydro was there fist. Beside, the station is part of the urban fabric with it.

By itself no, we shouldn't pay for something that is done solely on the basis of aesthetics - but if the opportunity arises in the future where Hydro can pay a lesser amount as part of a redevelopment proposal for the site, then I think they should jump at the chance.

300 Front Street West Preivew Open House Video at the MTCC

Here's the Preview Open House video for 300 Front Street West:

The Preview Open House at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre ends Sunday, August 17th at 8:00pm. The Grand Opening will take place in the newly renovated Tridel Store at Yonge and Carlton in September.
