I'm a little rusty at doing renders, but seeing this image from the Four Seasons thread and I thought I'd hash something together.


(oringinal image courtesy Razz found here: http://urbantoronto.ca/forum/showth...es-4S-Lifetime-52-25s-aA)?p=656753#post656753 )

Awesome, thanks for doing that. I think one thing is for sure--Aura is going to be an interesting hump right in the middle of our skyline. It'll add another peak to the skyline, which right now is largely dominated by the financial district Yonge/Bloor peaks.
wow. stunning and what a statement it will make from this angle. great render/drawing. thanks for sharing. id say thats pretty acurate.
OMG TRAYNOR aka LATMAN is back!!!! MORE Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...and thnk you for this!!! Wonderful as always!!!
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Fabulous render job! I never imagined that Aura would have such a dramatic impact on the midtown skyline view from my perspective. Thank you for doing that. Now I don't have to wait a year to see the finished product. It will be interesting to see how accurate your render turns out when I post the "after" shot from the same spot on my balcony this time next year. Cheers!
so what lile say 14 more floors till changes to curve on west side?

Originally, the west side curve started on the 46th floor. After adding 3 extra floors, the west side curve (Curtain Wall) will now begin on the 49th floor. The east side curve will now start on the 59th floor.

We have 17 more floors (49-32=17) before the west side curve kicks in, which I'm guessing we'll see December 25th. :D
Originally, the west side curve started on the 46th floor. After adding 3 extra floors, the west side curve (Curtain Wall) will now begin on the 49th floor. The east side curve will now start on the 59th floor.

We have 17 more floors (49-32=17) before the west side curve kicks in, which I'm guessing we'll see December 25th. :D

Pretty sure I saw somewhere that they were moving 5 floors per month, so 17 floors would be more like mid-late November.
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Pretty sure I saw somewhere that they were moving 5 floors per week, so 17 floors would be more like mid-late November.

It says right above that they're completing a floor per week right now, and I presume that's due to good weather given the size of the floor plate at this level. No building completes 5 floors per week.
Traynor! I love your work, you do some awesome renders. I bet your a busy guy, any chance you could do a new Toronto skyline render (lake view) of how the city will look in 8-10 years from now?
