some people on this forum aren't as informed as you are. or post as much. just answer his question politely.

Thanks barrytron3030, you get used to it after a while though, it's just the way some people are I guess :p

Anyway, I ask because I recall some posts a while back stating this one would/could not start for a while. Either way, might have been a silly question.
Oh come on. The previous two pages discuss and show photos which clearly indicate that Burano is already a level below ground with pile drivers and cement trucks on site.
Oh come on. The previous two pages discuss and show photos which clearly indicate that Burano is already a level below ground with pile drivers and cement trucks on site.

some people on this forum aren't as informed as you are. or post as much. just answer his question politely.
He's implying that it's not about being 'informed,' it's simply reading what others have posted and photographed in the not-so-distant past.
Right guys ... as I said it was a silly post 1) I should have worded it better 2) it wasn't necessary either way.


Delete it, ignore it ... move on. No hard feelings.
I believe the project has sufficient sales to warrant continued construction beyond site clearing, which it has now done by moving below grade. The only question is whether they may have any problems with financing, which we know nothing of.
April 15




This is the last or the next last pile to be drill for the west side.
this has really slowed down:(i really like this project too. it better not go on hold
If they're going down that deep again I can't see how they'd avoid those problems. The water might even be worse now that Murano's disrupted its flow
